whats the best size, and easiest for buyers
Hi, I have a ton of surfing photos from the HB Open, and before I start the uploading process for purchasing them, what size is best for selling? It seems for something like surfing, most want larger photos, poster type. Normally I set it for 200DPI and manage around 10x15 or larger, not much cropping. But yet some are further away, so I can't get much more than 8.5x11. Does smugmug interpolate photos that are ordered larger than what we upload? Any suggestions as to lg white borders, or ratio? Some photos look better wider than 14x11. Best way to do that? thnks for pointing me in the right direction...sorry I can't sit here and read for long periods.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Another question, is 8.5x11 photo- for example- around [EMAIL="1600x1250@200dpi"]1600x1250@200dpi[/EMAIL] doable in a 10x15 for buyers, with no problems? In other words I don't want to make them too small and have problems with sizes. If I choose 10x15, which I could most the time to make them, will everyone have to crop all the time? I want to start out uncomplicated for the buyers and not have huge changes down the line. My previous print sizes worked well for me at home but they were all different sizes, and I printed accordingly. Not a problem here? thnx
Another question, is 8.5x11 photo- for example- around 1600x1250@200dpi doable in a 10x15 for buyers, with no problems? In other words I don't want to make them too small and have problems with sizes. If I choose 10x15, which I could most the time to make them, will everyone have to crop all the time? I want to start out uncomplicated for the buyers and not have huge changes down the line. My previous print sizes worked well for me at home but they were all different sizes, and I printed accordingly. Not a problem here? thnx
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
I think you are overthinking this. Upload your images in their original pixel count and original aspect ratio. Don't resize the images at all. The labeled images size (like 10x15) is just a piece of metadata which Smugmug does not use. There is no need to set dpi or image sizes on your images. Just upload the pixels you have. All Smugmug cares about is how many pixels you have. You may crop your images before upload to include only the content you want or fix compositional issues, but don't crop too closely because you need to leave a little extra slack for the required cropping to match certain image sizes. For exmaple, the 8x10 size always needs to chop a bunch off the long edge to fit right.
When it comes time to actually print, Smugmug will scale your image up or down appropriately for the print size that is ordered and the native capabilities of the printer being used. You don't have to worry about that at all. If your camera is natively a 3:2 aspect ratio, then 4x6, 8x12, 12x18 and 20x30 will print without any cropping needed. Other sizes like 8x10 will require some cropping in the shopping cart in order to fit the size appropriately.
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OK only one more question. My photos upload at 72DPIs, and I usually save them @200dpi. Should I continue that? Or does 72DPI allow for larger prints? thnxxxx!
many pizels as you can, like in the original.
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An additional note, don't worry about changing the DPI - in fact, just ignore it for the most part. It's the # of pixels that matter, so just upload them all and you won't have to worry about any of it!
No, I think you're making it too complicated. Changing the DPI of a file does, well, nothing really. Try it for yourself. Open an image, save it as 300 DPI, open another copy of the same image, save it as 72 DPI. As long as you're not RESIZING it, and simply changing the DPI, your image will be exactly the same.
Here's a good link with some more info:
If I were you, I'd pretend the DPI field doesn't even exist (for your printer, local display, or uploading to smugmug). What matters is # of pixels (resolution). Most software you print from these days doesn't rely on the DPI of the image to choose the size. Once you tell the software what SIZE you want your photo to be, it'll use all of the available pixels to give you a good image.
What software do you use to print at home?
Thank you!