Headshot pricing help
I've been asked (by a friend) if I would consider taking some headshots of her sister and another friend for their business cards.
This is not normally "what I do" (events mostly), so I'm a bit out of my depth as far as how to price things.
Any ideas where to start (ie sitting fee + nominal use fee or other?) would be greatly appreciated.
This is not normally "what I do" (events mostly), so I'm a bit out of my depth as far as how to price things.
Any ideas where to start (ie sitting fee + nominal use fee or other?) would be greatly appreciated.
Funny, I was just about to post the same question. I typically do sports and nature, but had an acquaintance ask me if I would do head shots of her two daughters. I have no clue what to charge. I tried to get out of the shoot, but she loves my sports photos of her kids and wants me to try this.
Oh joy.
I'd love to see some ideas on this question.
I've gotten feedback on other forums that I'm "way too low", but honestly its an hour or two total time (travel, setup/shoot and PP) so $150 seems reasonable to me.
Are the headshots for something in particular, ie. commercial use like modeling portfolio? If they are just "family shots" and she is a good customer for your sports shots I'd look towards that pricing.
If they are "commercial use" (mine are for a mortgage broker and a realtor) then I would definitely price higher than your normal stuff.
Going rates vary depending on your location and what your true costs are. Which includes time, equipment, software and esperience - and what the final use will be. In Los Angeles, you can find headshots from $75/100 to $500 and up.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
The two girls that I'm photographing are budding models and their mother is trying to get the least expensive head shots she can. The girls are fairly young and need new head shots about every six months, so the mother is being told, so she balks at the cost of head shots.
I am going to try to take some test shots for her today, but then I am going to pretty much insist that she go to a full time portrait pro, who can give her much better quality shots than I can, even if she has to pay a lot more. This isn't my area of photography and I'm simply not equipped for this.
I'll charge her a nominal fee for the sitting today and if she wants the shots, I'll charge a nominal fee for them too.
Not to be unpleasant about it, but the mom needs to suck it up and pay for pro shots if she wants pro results, and if she wants her kids to get modeling work. Trying to go cheap will just frustrate her (and me). When it comes back around to swimming season, I'll shoot until the cows come home for her, but this portrait stuff is a whole different game!