Vote for the Challenge's New Name

Okay, well I promised a poll, so here's my shortlist (yes, I get to nix all the ones I don't like - Doc, is there such a thing as a partial democracy?
) 24 hour poll.

Psalm 62:5-6
What's the best name for the Dgrin Challenges? 44 votes
The Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges (DSS)
27 votes
The Dgrin "To The Limit" Challenges (TTL)
17 votes
What's the "edit poll" button do???...
(everybody to the limit, everybody to the limit!!!
Thanks Nikolai for bringing it!
Do I get a cookie?
thats just great just freakking great......
j/k nik
Well, they technically are plural. So it can be The Dgrin Sharp Shooter Challenges, or we could go with The Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge. But yes, you're right that one of the s's should be dropped. I'm not running a poll on that though! I'll figure it out tomorrow and then make official changes in three million and one places. Anyone who wants to give input on which one rolls better can do it here.
I like DGrin Sharp Shooter Challenges.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Sure. Look in C:\Documents and Settings\Nikolai\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\cookies.sqlite
good one!
I don't see any problem with using both S. There are many shooterS, and it not a single event, but a serieS of many.
Think "athleteS" participating in Olympic "gameS".
However, I'm not a native speaker and I have been wrong before...
Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge is not technically incorrect. Though first instinct would be to make is possessive, it might not be most accurate (does the challenge belong to the sharp shooters?). Whereas in its current state, the meaning is more a challenge for sharp shooters, which seems correct.
To avoid confusion, though, I'd recommend dropping all S's. It also rolls off the tongue better (IMO): The Dgrin Sharp Shooter Challenge. In the end, it's one big challenge with many rounds, neh?
/grammar geekiness
Okay, grammar geek, should it technically be The Dgrin Sharpshooter Challenge (DSC)?
Would you make yours TTLC? IMHO "challenge" is more like a servant word here.
LPS wasn't LPSC, and we're not talking about sniping competition here.
Both "sharp" and "shooter" have their own meaning in photography world, although certain amount of pun was intended...
Just my 0.00002 of the f/stop...
Well, I do understand the pun, and I do like the fact that the term Sharpshooter applies to someone very skilled. And it's true that only the best will succeed, although everyone playing should definitely learn here and improve. I have some real changes and additions that I'll be making in the very near future. I hope you all will be pleased!
Dgrin Shmarps Shooters Challengesezz
Should we have a poll on pluralizing it now?
Get out there and shoot fer cryin out loud!!!!
You talkin' to me???!!! There's only one kind of shootin' I got time for these days, and that's usually the foot!
That was one of Shay's famous lines when we would get pages of debate about whether a rule should be worded with a comma or a semicolon, or whether a title should be pluralized, or not.
Ahhh...I see. You know, the world can definitely do with more Shayisms.
:giggle It's down to the executive decision now. I don't want to incur more Shayism boo-iness.
DSS = Department of Social Services
Are we really all that different?