Darren Troy CRegistered UsersPosts: 1,927Major grins
edited July 30, 2008
Really ike #1. In #2, was the street wet? I would have loved to see the reflection! The blur/vignetting, to me, is distracting from the beauty of the reflection.....I don' tknow?? Maybe post another w/ same blur, but include the wall reflection on the sidewalk? Only my opinion, but like the shots, especially the 1st!
Dan: It was a normal daylight shot, no filters used. I applied the Cutout filter to a copy of the background and made two copies, one in darken blend mode and the other in difference blend mode. Then I put a copy of the original on top of them with everything but the two figures masked out and set the blend mode to linear light. Finally, I made a composite of the whole thing and used the lighting effects filter (omni) to get the mood right.
Dan: It was a normal daylight shot, no filters used. I applied the Cutout filter to a copy of the background and made two copies, one in darken blend mode and the other in difference blend mode. Then I put a copy of the original on top of them with everything but the two figures masked out and set the blend mode to linear light. Finally, I made a composite of the whole thing and used the lighting effects filter (omni) to get the mood right.
These make me think.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Idlewild: The sidewalk along the building was wet but the street wasn't. The lower right is all reflected.
Schmoo: These were taken 50 meters and about three minutes apart. Think about that.
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Dan: It was a normal daylight shot, no filters used. I applied the Cutout filter to a copy of the background and made two copies, one in darken blend mode and the other in difference blend mode. Then I put a copy of the original on top of them with everything but the two figures masked out and set the blend mode to linear light. Finally, I made a composite of the whole thing and used the lighting effects filter (omni) to get the mood right.
Thanks. Well done
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2 very interesting & thoughtful pieces. Nice stuff.
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Thanks, Ron. Glad you liked them.