Maggie startin to look better
Maggie's head and chest feathers starting to come in nice, so I managed a couple shots to share. Hopefully I can get a couple good ones when she's showroom ready, if I can get Henry to leave her alone :wxwax 

Oh yeah, while I was in the backyard I saw this flower and the way the sun was hittin it I just had to shoot and share. Hope you like:

Oh yeah, while I was in the backyard I saw this flower and the way the sun was hittin it I just had to shoot and share. Hope you like:
She's looking better. Maybe you can get Henry an inflatable bird that he can fool around iwth until she gets all her feathers back.
Good shots. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Good Idea. Course I'd have to have a supply a glue and feathers :lol4
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Looking alot better! Does Henry have a rope toy to rip apart instead of Maggie?
My parents own a pet store that I used to work at. There is a product called a Happy Hut that you might try out. Here is a link
Sometimes when one bird is picking on another the hut can act as a distaction and give the picking bird something new to pick on,cuddle with, and mkae her/him feel secure enough to quit picking. If you decided to get one try finding one close to the birds color, if I remember from your previous post that would be white. Just a thought
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Rope, Hell I got a whole workroom full of rope, wood, chain, plastic toys etc. etc. Always makin something to try and keep everyone happy. Parrots (all breeds) need lots of stuff to mess with, they get bored easy !!
Henrys feather pickin :cry goes a lot deeper I'm afraid, and he's no fool he knows when he's jewing real as opposed to ............ :lol
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I'll go chk it out. I think I tried something like that once, and Henry in trypical Pyscho fashion kicked it to the curb like a bad step child
Thanks for the link
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I like the light through the shade effect on the flower.
Hi Ya Kahill
Yes she does, thank you
And Thank you
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