Whole gallery copied and posted on website
Hello !
Today i suddenly got some visitors from another website. Curious as i am i followed the link. Someone posted a link to one of my galleries
But then in the next post i see someone else copied ALL pictures and posted them on the same forum :-( Don't know how that was possible. The gallery is "right click protected". Furthermore i always thought display copies are at 72 dpi but te pictures on the website are at 300 dpi, size large.
Other problem: the photos are from a concert of an international band and i had to sign a relase form.
What can i do about this?
What is a proper way to react?
What can i do to prevent this in the future?
Today i suddenly got some visitors from another website. Curious as i am i followed the link. Someone posted a link to one of my galleries

But then in the next post i see someone else copied ALL pictures and posted them on the same forum :-( Don't know how that was possible. The gallery is "right click protected". Furthermore i always thought display copies are at 72 dpi but te pictures on the website are at 300 dpi, size large.
Other problem: the photos are from a concert of an international band and i had to sign a relase form.
What can i do about this?
What is a proper way to react?
What can i do to prevent this in the future?
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My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
And the gallery on your site.
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A few minutes ago, I did a posting on the forum and they immediatly removed all pictures.
But i made a copy of the page with all pictures on it.
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
Will be back on in an hour or so...
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
What now?
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
You cannot prevent people from copying your web-sized images, stealing them and using them for their own purposes. If you want your images to be viewable in a browser without a password, then it is possible for someone to steal them.
You did the right thing and the best thing you could do. You found it and you asked them to stop and they did.
Right-click protection is only a deterrent that makes it harder for the non-internet-savvy to get your images. Anyone versed in how browsers work can get around it the same way the browser does to download and display your images. This is not a bug, but an innate characteristic of browser technology.
There are only two ways to entirely prevent this type of abuse in the future:
- Don't put any images on the web
- Require a password on your site or each gallery so that only people you know and trust are allowed to view them.
You can also use a watermark on your images. While this doesn't prevent them from being copied and used in the way they were this time, most people won't do it when it's obvious to their customers that these images belong to someone else.So, in the end, you have the following choices:
- Get comfortable with occasional image theft and just knowing that it will happen. Figure that the benefit to you of having good-sized images on the internet that are easy for your intended viewers to see is worth some risk that occasionally people will take your images for some other purpose.
- Require password credentials before anything that you're worried about theft on can be viewed
- Use a watermark on your images as a more meaningful deterrent to image theft and a good reason for people not to take your images (easier to go get someone else's who don't have a watermark on them).
- Stop putting anything on the internet
In my opinion, 1,2 and 3 are all reasonable choices depending upon your circumstance.Homepage • Popular
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From now on all images are watermarked, right through the centre :boid
That was entirely my fault in my opinion...
Few days back one of the leading Telecom company published a full page ad in a leading mag, and guess what photo was stolen from flickr.
My Gallery
It was just not a nice feeling to visit a website and see all my photos are copied
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
Rockford, IL
I wonder how long the wait will be?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
If you don't hear back from them in a day or so let me know and I can send you one of my invites. Beta users can issue three personal invites that skip the wait list. I would just need you to pm me your e-mail address.
As word gets out about how fantastic Tineye is, I'm sure the line is getting longer and longer because everyone wants to try it out.
I really hope they keep a free component for photographers (as I've heard in the rumor mill) after they release the final version.
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