New Canon 580EX II review
This flashgun's been out there for quite a while. But I think this new review can still be useful: Canon Speedlite 580EX II review
Many people say that external metering on the Canon 580EX Mark II is no good. But here are few observations:
"... First, even though the shots taken with external metering are underexposed the performance is consistent and therefore can be corrected by adjusting the flash output by a certain fixed value, which can be determined after several test shots and reused over and over.
Second, the shots are very well exposed if shooting distance is small (about 1-2 feet). There is no need to correct the exposure at all.
And finally, automatic white balance works better with external metering on some cameras (for instance, Canon Digital Rebel). So, If your DSLR is not capable of reading white balance information coming from this flash then it may be worth considering using external metering for better auto white balacing results. ..."
Many people say that external metering on the Canon 580EX Mark II is no good. But here are few observations:
"... First, even though the shots taken with external metering are underexposed the performance is consistent and therefore can be corrected by adjusting the flash output by a certain fixed value, which can be determined after several test shots and reused over and over.
Second, the shots are very well exposed if shooting distance is small (about 1-2 feet). There is no need to correct the exposure at all.
And finally, automatic white balance works better with external metering on some cameras (for instance, Canon Digital Rebel). So, If your DSLR is not capable of reading white balance information coming from this flash then it may be worth considering using external metering for better auto white balacing results. ..."