..or maybe it's all in the tasting?
Why is it whenever he gets anything new, first thing he does is give it the taste test. :scratch
I know, i'll give him a lemon next :rofl
I know, i'll give him a lemon next :rofl
Just my goofy thought for the day ...
And BTW, nice shot!
I think you may well be right Brad.
Do you think perhaps i should cut the lemon in half then
I loved the one you posted of his eyes as well...a few days back!
LOVE your work...keep it up!!
and thanks for sharing him with all of us!
:dunno not a clue...does it show?
Studio Photography Lighting and Modeling Workshops For the Discerning Taste
"The only photographer we ought compare ourselves to is the one we used to be"
Michiel de Brieder
Wonderful image, really like your treatment
My Galleries
I appreciate all of your great commentsl
I must say it,s a real bonus to have your model living under the same roof
I think this shot works better done this way rather than all colour as it gives a different overall feel and makes you look at it from a different perspective, or maybe i'm losing it!!
Allthough i still really like the original.
why is it that boys tend to get the best eyelashes?
why is it that boys tend to get the best eyelashes?
'cause they know men wouldn't spend their money on mascara!
Thanks for spending the time, take care :