
Looking to buy a new computer

reg72reg72 Registered Users Posts: 18 Big grins
edited August 7, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
I am in the market for a new computer...any advice on which computer would be good for processing images would be greatly appreciated.


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    PupatorPupator Registered Users Posts: 2,322 Major grins
    edited August 2, 2008
    reg72 wrote:
    I am in the market for a new computer...any advice on which computer would be good for processing images would be greatly appreciated.

    Most folks around here will tell you to "get a mac." Nothing wrong with that if you've got the dough. I like PCs - to each his own!

    Here are some helpful components to a good video editing computer, whether Mac or PC:
    • Quality processor (Intel Core 2 Duo is a good one)
    • RAM - 3 or 4 GB (You don't have to buy it this way, you can upgrade it yourself, particularly if you do get a Mac)
    • Good hard drive - 7200rpm or better. It's helpful for Photoshop if you install a second hard drive as well.
    That's really all that matters. Having a quality video card DOES NOT MATTER for photo editing, though you will want to make sure that the computer has DVI output so you can get a good, digital monitor (I don't think they sell computers anymore that don't have DVI though).
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    reg72reg72 Registered Users Posts: 18 Big grins
    edited August 2, 2008
    Thanks for your advice...I had pretty much figured Mac...but it's good to get as many opinions as possible...
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    barrywbarryw Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited August 2, 2008
    If you are looking at a Mac, be sure to check the online store, and look at the refurbs. Don't let that word scare you away either. They are all rebuilt or repaired at Apple, and are covered by the exact same warranty that a brand new one carries. I saved around $400 by getting my 24" iMac there. In addition, don't by the memory from them - way too expensive. I upgraded mine to 4GB through crucial.com for just a few dollars over $100US.

    Experience - the thing you get just after you need it! :scratch :dunno

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    colourboxcolourbox Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited August 2, 2008
    Pupator wrote:
    make sure that the computer has DVI output so you can get a good, digital monitor (I don't think they sell computers anymore that don't have DVI though).

    The one category of computers that doesn't necessarily come with DVI out is laptops. All current Mac laptop video cards can drive DVI monitors (cheap adapter required for some), but many Windows laptops only come with VGA video-out ports.

    I've had great luck with refurbished Macs.
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    bwgbwg Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,119 SmugMug Employee
    edited August 3, 2008
    Pupator wrote:
    Having a quality video card DOES NOT MATTER for photo editing...
    Right now, correct. Next version of Photoshop will offload stuff to the GPU.
    Pedal faster
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    Kirk WattsKirk Watts Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    bigwebguy wrote:
    Right now, correct. Next version of Photoshop will offload stuff to the GPU.

    Interesting bigwebguy, I didn't know that! Definitely worth considering GPU now then if you're looking for a future proof computer.
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    RhuarcRhuarc Registered Users Posts: 1,464 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    bigwebguy wrote:
    Right now, correct. Next version of Photoshop will offload stuff to the GPU.

    I was under the impression it already did at least some.

    In my Photoshop settings it has a section for GPU. It has a check box for Enable 3D Acceleration. I don't know if this does anything, but I was under the impression it did. It will certainly be nice if they could start utilizing the GPU as well. I am a huge PC Gamer, and I have a pretty high end GPU. It would be great to be able to start using it for things when I'm not playing games!

    As far as a MAC or PC, I'm of the opinion both have their place, and it is a matter of preference. I personally have trouble using a Mac. They don't ever seem to do what I wantt them to. I'm sure it is user error, but it ultimatley comes down to what is easier for the user to use.
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