Pastel/Primary...Does this cut it?
Or is this too ordinary?

Shilowe, getting my masters in psychology,
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
As far as worthiness. It's nice but there is some tough competition, so enter this, but keep on shooting as well =c) images work better with a defined center(s) of focus. The Photo Section
But, as Pyro pointed out, the photo lacks a focal point. In these challenges I've seen a number of photos get comments about that so it's defiintely something a judge looks for. Birds, or the moon would be good focal points for the sky. If the photo were taken from a wider angle then a silhouette would provide something for the eye to rest upon.
Also: is it pastel or primary?
As LPS history shows, trying to hit both themes at once is a double-edge sword (pun intended)
photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo