It was NOT fun getting to that waterfall... basically there was a bridge going over this gorge area... and we climbed down the side of the bridge, kinda steep, and lots of broken rocks and "shale" i think its called... which kept sliding out below me... and my cousin brought his dog with us, so it was a lil tricky getting down. Was tough getting up too, kept sliding... but got a decent shot
Slick looking photos. I like the first one with the barn, the colors are so vivid and the water (#6) looks great. Worth the walk/hike down the hills! Glad your equipment did not end up in the drink.
Thanks, i wanted to get the whole tree, but couldn't... if i backed up any further the truck woulda been in the shot, and to the side, and some old car woulda been in the shot (trust me, NOT photo worthy old, old as in maybe a 90's car)
Nice set of shots. I particularly like the last two. The tone mapping for HDR is nicely done. Doesn't give them the overprocessed look you sometimes get.
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Nikon D90, 85mm f/1.8, 18-70mm f/3.5, 70-300mm f/4.5, Nikon SB-800, MX-600 tripod
Nice shots! I like #5 and 6.
I just posted one using Photomatix. (Balancing Pilars) What are you using?
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....but if you're doing an HDR, is there really any excuse for the highlights that are completely blown out in the clouds?
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