Company Picnic! A Day in the Park....
I was contracted by an event company to shoot some events for them. Very easy - actually a day in the park! To make it more interesting for me, I made a project of it and did a portrait series of the kids. I still gave them about 500 images from the three-legged race and other picnic staples. But these made my day. The light was at So. California's worst - harsh, hazy, midday, and with the trees - mottled. The pool shots were a bit scary with the water splashing and one guy even thought it would be funny to do a cannonball next to me soaking me and my camera. I will add more later to the thread. I was glad I did my own series to make the day really interesting!
Would you mind posting EXIf and/or lens info for these?
1/60 tv
5.6 av
200 iso
85 mm
24-105 4.0L
E-TTL 580ex flash
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
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Thanks for the kind words. You know those days when you are on top of your game - I had one, I think! Out of 540 images, I only canned 30 because of blinking, people who moved and maybe a technical miss. Practicing sure pays off.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.