what to charge? - business cards photo

I have a "friend" who is interested in using one of my photos for his business cards but I have no clue what I would charge for the photo.
When I say he's a friend, I mean I know him from our VW club here in town. I've been to the same events as him and talk to him on occasion. I would consider him a friend and I hate mixing money with friends but I really like this photo and would hate to just give it away...especially since he'll be making money as a result of handing out the cards.
what do you guys generally charge for this sort of thing? i have no idea where to even begin.
here is the photo
When I say he's a friend, I mean I know him from our VW club here in town. I've been to the same events as him and talk to him on occasion. I would consider him a friend and I hate mixing money with friends but I really like this photo and would hate to just give it away...especially since he'll be making money as a result of handing out the cards.
what do you guys generally charge for this sort of thing? i have no idea where to even begin.
here is the photo

2) I'd say ~$500 if he's running a small business...
That much, really?
Anyone else have any input on this? He also wants to do posters. I've arranged a photo shoot with a few of the guys who's cars he likes so he's getting free "models" too. He said if I had to charge him for my time, he was ok with that but then my conscience kicks in and I feel bad for charging someone I see on a regular basis.
I've been doing a lot of free work lately (not for him) but for closer friends and now I feel I should be seeing some kickback for my work.
Mixing freindship and business is a tough deal. There is no way anyone can give you a good advise since no one except you knows al the details and nuances...
And you have to think long term. It might not be a big deal for you to give away some of your time for this job - but what about when he has another?
I think it's best to establish this as a professional relationship on the front end rather than a friend doing a favor. Charge him for the picture and charge him for your time. If you want to give him a discount, do so, but be sure to indicate that it's a 1 time discount.
I like it. I told him that since I told him I would do THIS one for free, that I would honor that but if we do anymore business in the future, I have to charge him for my time. He said he completely understood that time is money and that if I had to charge him this time, he would be fine with that.