Grouping Individual Photos

bokbaardbokbaard Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
edited August 5, 2008 in SmugMug Support
I could not really find anything in the historical threads about this, so I hope someone has some good advice.

I would LOVE to have a way to group photos into a gallery or area individually and not "per gallery". Currently on Smug, we have sharegroups/communities which means it does exactly what I would like, but it is "per gallery".

<some other=""> [some other] photo host has something called "sets". Is there something likewise under smugmug, which will allow me to add individually chosen photos to a group/set/community instead of the whole damn gallery :wink

This way I can have something like a <cool 50mm="" special="" lens="" foobar=""> group of _cool special lens 50mm foobar_ , which is currently impossible, since I might have <special foobar="" lens=""> photos mixed between other images in a <my cat=""> gallery.

I hope this makes sense. Searching for keywords ALMOST works, but this is not a "group" or gallery, its a dynamic 'result', and besides, smug search doesnt like something like "70-300" as a keyword or search phrase.

Your 2c please?


  • FrankCFrankC Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    What you're looking for sounds like a 'Virtual Gallery'.

    This has been requested by many users, including myself (you can find the discussions by searching for Virtual Gallery/Galleries).

    It's on Smugmug's Feature Request List, and so will probably be implemented at some (unspecified) time in the future.
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