Golden Fronted Woodpeckers
All of these images are as I found them in the wild so to speak even though all of these shots were either shot near ranch houses or, believe it or not, a college parking lot. 
There is one exception. The juvenile GFW was shot at blind #3 at the Martin Refuge and it was the only GFW to visit the blinds even though I heard them nearby the blinds all day. The first two are from a dead palm located near the ranch house of the Martins at the Martin Refuge.
One adult after feeding the chicks...

The other adult, or perhaps the same one, bringing in more prey. I think it found a wasp.


I found an active nesting cavity on the grounds of the Univ. of Texas, Brownsville so my wife and kids and I staked out the joint. Soon I spied this guy with what looks like a wasp again.

Then I got a few better images as it went back and forth on hunting trips.

Near the hole with what looks like a cheetoh, but I have no idea.

It went inside and then came out about a minute or two later.

There is one exception. The juvenile GFW was shot at blind #3 at the Martin Refuge and it was the only GFW to visit the blinds even though I heard them nearby the blinds all day. The first two are from a dead palm located near the ranch house of the Martins at the Martin Refuge.
One adult after feeding the chicks...

The other adult, or perhaps the same one, bringing in more prey. I think it found a wasp.


I found an active nesting cavity on the grounds of the Univ. of Texas, Brownsville so my wife and kids and I staked out the joint. Soon I spied this guy with what looks like a wasp again.

Then I got a few better images as it went back and forth on hunting trips.

Near the hole with what looks like a cheetoh, but I have no idea.

It went inside and then came out about a minute or two later.

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I might lose most of the area to the left of the tree and make it a verticle crop.
That young one is very cool too.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
Thanks Dan.
Thank Ric and thanks for the suggestion on the vertical crop.
Many thanks Angela
Thanks Al. I was obssessed with getting a few decent pics of the on my trip.
Thanks Harv. The juvenile came out better than expected.
Nicely done. I tried to get one too, but lacking shots as good as yours, my shots have been relegated to the recycle bin:cry
I see you're shooting a 40D at 500mm. I'm curious about the lens you're using. Thanks..
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Thanks evil eggplant (love the name btw
Thanks Dave. I was pleasantly surprised with the first two. I thought the light was just be too harsh and it was but not overly so.
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Yes, that is the one. I must admit that I do miss Image Stabilization, but for a 1/2 stop and IS I just couldn't justify spending the extra dollars at the time. I do always use a tripod with that lens. It is unforgiving hand held unless you have the luxury of enough shutter speed. As far as the IQ goes, I think it is excellent. Any shots that do not turn out are always my fault.
Thanks Jan.
Thanks for looking in Wally. I appreciate the comments.
I think if you cropped the sky out of the last shot it would make it have more impact!
My website | NANPA Member
Thanks again.
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Thanks Glenn. I will probably go back and take the sky out. It wasn't a very pretty sky to begin with. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
"Osprey Whisperer"
Thanks so much Harry. The juvie is stealing the show!
Thanks. I've always liked my woodies! (If your mind is in the gutter, yes, there is a double entendre there)