Digital Downloads and Image Compression

When I upload an entire event to my site, I first save original-size JPG files using ACDSee Pro 2 with the "Image Quality" set to either 50, 60, or more rarely, 70. I do this because I once read here that a similar method in Photoshop is the best way to create small file sizes for large uploads to Smugmug, while maintaining the ability to offer large prints in the shopping cart, and I simply proof delay my orders and replace them with the original-size file before sending the order.
Yesterday, a customer bought about a dozen 4MPIX Digial Downloads from my site. Since downloads don't have the Proof Delay option, the customer got 4MPIX of the files set to 60 Image Quality in ACDSee Pro. In comparision, the orignal-size JPG could be 5,593kb and the lower quality one is 869kb.
I don't see much quality loss when I look at the lower quality image on my 24" display. Can someone explain to me where the loss in quality is noticed? I seem to reduce a lot of kb when shrinking the files, but where is the loss noticed? Will my customer who bought the 4MPIX Digital Doanloads notice?
Yesterday, a customer bought about a dozen 4MPIX Digial Downloads from my site. Since downloads don't have the Proof Delay option, the customer got 4MPIX of the files set to 60 Image Quality in ACDSee Pro. In comparision, the orignal-size JPG could be 5,593kb and the lower quality one is 869kb.
I don't see much quality loss when I look at the lower quality image on my 24" display. Can someone explain to me where the loss in quality is noticed? I seem to reduce a lot of kb when shrinking the files, but where is the loss noticed? Will my customer who bought the 4MPIX Digital Doanloads notice?
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Thanks Andy. It's so hard to find that perfect balance between efficiency and quality. Will we see a Proof Delay option for downloads anytime soon? I sure hope so.
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I've been campaigning for this since day one. Apparently I don't get the purpose of DDL's. In my business they'd be either for web or magazine publication. In either case, at the very least, I'd want to put my signature on the image before it was uploaded. I just don't understand why they can't simply make the proof delay optional on DD's.
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I'm not saying that this issue can't be engineered, but DD has to get a whole new user interaction design for the customer when the download is not immediately available like it is today.
There would be a waiting period, communication with the customer on how long it might be, communication on when it is available, ways to control which customer gets which DD version, questions for support on why they can't have it now, etc... It's not as simple a matter as just flipping the bit to have proof delay on DD too.
It also has to have an ability to inform the customer (before they purchase) that the DD might take N days before it is available for them since many customers expect DD to be immediately available (instant download).
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Well, assuming it were made an option the flow of logic would go like this:
1. Does the seller have the option for proof delay on or off? (default would remain "off," for fairly obvious reasons)
a) off - continue as normal through checkout
b) on - a child window would appear upon DD selection with a statment of proof delay with mandatory yes or no to continue.
As a customer I would indeed appreciate such a warning, and furthermore could be dissuaded from an otherwise sure sale.
As a seller however, I would definitely be willing to take that risk and would make use of this feature. It's one or two extra conditionals which would require 0 changes to the existing buyer interface, rather the addition of a single dialogue popup IF the seller had the feature on.
I realize nothing is ever as simple as it sounds, but surely this would be a win win for both customers and sellers. As it stands, if sellers don't wish buyers getting DD's "as is" the option is to not sell them via smug mug which still results in a delay at best for the customer.
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Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this...
I'd like to offer a free download of low-res for personal use, with my watermark. But charge for others. What I have so far is in my Featured Galleries:
I'm wondering what the best way to do that is? Right now, I have the right-click protection turned on, and am charging $0.99. Maybe that's a better approach?
I'm trying to get a sense of balance for pricing and "amuse bouche", too.
Is there a good thread that discusses this? I've been searching around for a couple of hours.
Also, which would be the best beginners Navbar thread?
- Chris
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