Do Watermarked Photos Turn You Off?
I am trying to decide whether or not to watermark my smugmug photos.
For the viewers - how do you respond to a watermarked gallery? Does it impact your enjoyment of the photos? Does it make you leave the gallery to go find an unwatermarked gallery?
For the watermarkers - why do you watermark? Have you ever had photos stolen from your smugmug galleries? Have you ever received feedback, good or bad, from your viewers regarding your watermarks?
I' m really curious to hear different perspectives on this topic!
For the viewers - how do you respond to a watermarked gallery? Does it impact your enjoyment of the photos? Does it make you leave the gallery to go find an unwatermarked gallery?
For the watermarkers - why do you watermark? Have you ever had photos stolen from your smugmug galleries? Have you ever received feedback, good or bad, from your viewers regarding your watermarks?
I' m really curious to hear different perspectives on this topic!
Gallery generated watermarks are the worst. The extreme case is the huge PROOF watermark that people have plastered across the middle of all their mediocre images, as if they're so wonderful that they're going to get stolen.
The only time I ever watermark a picture is in the rare cases that a shot of mine seems particularly unique enough to have real value. In those cases, I handcraft a small discreet watermark in a corner. Otherwise, I don't indiscriminately desecrate my hard work.
So that's my opinion on the subject, which I know from previous conversations to be not widely shared on this forum.
Link to my Smugmug site
It also depends on nature of images.
I recently received email showing interest to purchase my images for calendars their concern was uniqueness. Suppose my image is stolen and published here and there then what i will get ?
Better to be on safe side.
Advertising agencies especially in Pakistan show no mercy and steel images. Recently a huge telecom company published advertisment in leading mag with stolen image from Flickr !
Any way good luck
My Gallery
But as Kdog said, if it has PROOF across the middle of the shot, why post it?
As far as I know, no one has stolen any of my shots. (but then again, why would they)
I don't watermark, but I understand people doing it. But if you're posting to get feedback,
don't plaster that huge, solid mark in the middle of the shot.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
On the other hand if it's large, and covers the image, I leave the site immediately.
I understand why it's done, and I am not trying to change anyones mind with regard to this issue, but you asked, so if you have big watermarks, I'm sure I haven't spent more than a few seconds in your gallery.
but imo some watermarks are easily cropped out or cloned unless they are center they are worthless.
but a photo with a watermark center it is worthless itself because it can not be enjoyed....
lol, one thing to watch out for is the gallery settings for watermarking a gallery...i turned mine one once without knowing it, and put a big PROOF over everything i had on, i hope people didnt think i thought i was so wonderful as kdog put it...
anyway, just keep inmind....if they steal it hope you find out:D cuz thats a big check coming in:ivar (atleast i hope thats how it goes in the real world)
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
i dont mean to offend if thats what ive just say'n anyway you look at it , there are problems...
and btw, i agree....people is the word
No offense taken or even thought about at all, Aaron. Yes, I hate having to put a watermark on images. Sad commentary but true. But you can't regulate behavior of people so you have to protect what is yours.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Bottom line : Free images could be hostile to photo industry
My Gallery
agreed 100%
i watermark on the edge (sometimes...) but i believe that really isnt going to stop a thief.....
i was just saying i could only wish someone stole my image as a joke toward the possiblity i would then get a bigger payment after the judge swings his gavel...