Caption --> Keywords
Hi -
I understand that on upload, key words from photo captions will be turned into keywords.
My question: For those photos captioned AFTER upload, can key words from these captions be turned into keywords?
Tom K.
I understand that on upload, key words from photo captions will be turned into keywords.
My question: For those photos captioned AFTER upload, can key words from these captions be turned into keywords?
Tom K.
If I'm understanding your question (and please let me know if it appears that I am not): the answer would be no. There is not an easy way move keywords to the caption field from within our interface.
Note that if you have a caption embedded in the image prior to uploading it, our system will respect that and the caption should be displayed on SmugMug in the caption field.
Suport Hero
I want to caption photos AFTER upload. Then I want the interesting words from the caption to "automatically" become keywords.
[My underlying issue is that I want to include some sort of (caption search or keyword search) in my site. Important: I want the result of the search to display in Journal style. Caption search does not seem to enable this. I am trying to see if I can alternatively use a keyword search, which may give me more flexibility to show the results directly in Journal style.]
Suport Hero
This is something that would be very valuable to add in the future. Would save me a whole weekend of captioning and keywording...
I think it would be a bad idea. They wouldn't have any way of knowing which words from your captions are important and which they should throw away. SmugMug would quickly end up with hundreds of thousands of inappropriate keywords. They have that problem already because they convert all words in filenames into keywords. This would only compound the problem.
Take the time to keyword your pictures appropriately. Don't just try to repeat your captions in your keywords.
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I originally suggested this for the following reasons:
- I understand that during the upload process, SmugMug will take key words found in the jpg caption and turn them into keywords. I assume this is an algorithm that throws away words such as "the" and "an" so they do not become keywords.
- If the concept fits of auto-creating keywords from captions created prior to upload...... then it probably fits for auto-creating keywords created after upload. Just make it an option that I can choose to exercise, potentially across multiple galleries.
- While I know there is a facility for updating both captions and keywords, I personally am really not interested in editing keywords. I simply want the keywords to be driven by the caption - regardless of whether I edit the caption on the PC or on SmugMug. Perhaps there could be a site-level option called "Have keywords follow captions" (or perhaps something a bit more clear and descriptive).
Tom K.
I don't think Smugmug makes keywords out of the caption (and I certainly hope they don't with letting people turn it off because that would mess up my careful keywording), but they do let you search on words that might be in the caption using search. So, perhaps you should just use search and you will be able to find anythning in a caption.
FYI, there are many complaints already about the fact that Smugmug takes words it finds in the filename and makes them into keywords. So, there are clearly two sides to this issue. Some of us want to control our keywords ourselves and NOT have Smugmug making them up for us.
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