Man's best friend?

I know this is people's thread, and we don't have a pet specific one, but where else would i put a doggy portrait? 
Well, dogs are very very close to humans, so i figured, i try here. If anything, please move it where it should go.
These were taken with one light, i'm just trying to figure out my set up. It seems that more light would have less effect. Am i wrong here?





6. This was 3 lights set up.

Well, dogs are very very close to humans, so i figured, i try here. If anything, please move it where it should go.
These were taken with one light, i'm just trying to figure out my set up. It seems that more light would have less effect. Am i wrong here?





6. This was 3 lights set up.

I liked the first one. The third is pretty cool too.
Where did you come up with such utter nonsense?
Dog are far BETTER than humans.
(I think the dog looks odd in B & W, though it is probably just me)
It's cool, Marina. Not to worry. Very expressive shots. Well done.
I agree Sam, thank you for looking!
Thank you Heather. I wonder what did you find odd about b&w? It's not quiet b&w, it's more of a duotone.
Thank you lady, he loves taking pictures. The minute i walk into studio, he runs in and lies down to pose
Not a miracle, he knows he'll get a reward after all is done.
Thank you Richard. I know you'd understand!!
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
1. I don't know the look that you were going for but this is a tad sinister. Only nit is the shadow clipping at the mouth. It appears that the jaw is part of the background.
2. Love it.
3. The lighting is incredible. i'm not sure about the composition though
4. & 5. I like the poses, lighting, and b&w although the contrast might be a little much, making the fur seem hard as opposed to soft if that makes sense.
6. Awesome environmental portrait that makes you feel like you are sitting just across form him.
He must be incredibly well behaved to allow you to set up like that. I turn my camera on and my dog hightails it for her upstairs hiding place!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Must be nice having a dog that just lies down in the studio. Mine are usually not quite that cooperative, although they do enjoy being photographed.
Thank you Travis, i'm taking all the points you mentioned into consideration. He is very well behaved, but again, piece of salami might do the trick for any dog
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Thank you James for your comments!
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8