Am I onto anything here?
I took these recently...I like think they turned out, but not sure what others might think...Would love to hear thoughts on any aspect both praise and criticism. Thanks for looking.
Dock - just thought it was a cool shot...

Stairs - they were cool, and I wanted to play with DOF.
Dock - just thought it was a cool shot...

Stairs - they were cool, and I wanted to play with DOF.

Brandon Perron Photography
I know I'm that way. My neighbors definitely have other thoughts.
So that is No from you?
The first could use fill light on the foreground and maybe move the comp just a bit so the pier is more central, it looks a bit like it's been pushed to the side.
I like the sky, the reflections and the bridge in the backround there
A clear focal point is lacking in the second, all of the steps are oof and the rail is too dark to catch a look. Btw, did you try a polarizer to lose the reflections and show the steps all the way under water? Worth a re-shoot.
My 0.02 €
Thanks for the comments...To your second comment...I wanted to leave some mystery to it thus the steps being for the polarizer, no...but in the original you can tell that is water and see the steps going into is the black and white treatment I used...maybe I will play with a couple of other black and white treatments to see what it looks like...also the reason the rail is not bright.
I suspect I'm just not enthusiastic about either one as much as I
would like to be. Mind you thats just me.
Here is a BW conversion where the rail is lighter...
Ok, just wanting a clarifier :-) thanks for the time.
For the record, I should point out that I am not that enthusiastic about
98% of my own photographic efforts. Like your I try to "get onto something".
Yeah, the flags in Lightroom (pick, unflagged and reject) stand for "yes", "no", and "really no"
It's a little bit better, but I still think one or two of the steps should be in focus.
Fair enough...thanks for the time...
the second one look dirty and cold...harsh. I like it. I guess you put noise in it? you should do that in 3steps with different size of the noise grains. I think that looks better..I´m not saying i have right
I see what you are saying about the first one...
I am glad you can appreciate the second nailed the dirty, cold and harsh...which is what I wanted. As for the noise 3 step thing, can you elboarte the process you are talking about?
Thanks for the time.
On the first one, a little different exposure, and it looks like it needs some better focus as well, and it could be really nice.
A man can do as he wills, but not will as he wills.
An opinion should be the result of thought,not the replacement of it.:scratch
make a new layer. fill it with 50% grey. Add noise and make sure its in gausian(spell) an monochrome. Then replicate this step 2 more times but for each time put more noise in it...When it´s done. Just and a hard unsharp mask..Blend mode = overlay and woallah..
The compostion was left that way, it was inteded that way...
Thakns for the comments...I tend to like my photos slightly on the darker side, especially my BW...
but I appreciate you taking the time...
If everybody was thinking about the "rules" all photos will look the same?
Just a thought. .. just a thought.
Thank you very much...I can see how the 2nd one is not for most people's tastes. I have had one taker on it,