Hey Coco
My names Maggie. I was gonna have my owner (that's the dumb lookin one over there with the black box) :lol start a new thread to show how pretty I'm gettin, but I saw this I wanna play here OK
One thing gotta watch Henry he's kinda wierd, he thinks feathers taste better then nuts
Great shots Keith
Tack Sharp any more and they'd bleed
I love Maggies eyes. Do the pupils move in an out a lot when you talk to her?
You can't see her neck in these pics, but Coco has been picking at it pretty good. It's exposed, not as much, like Henry's.
Oh yeah her eyes dilate in and out in varying degrees depending on how excited/interested she is. She really goes to town with those eyes when I give her a steak bone, :lol4 , no really :lol4 !!
By the way if Coco's picking is centeralized it may be an indication of some medical rather then pshycological problem, JMO. Have you chk. that ?
I know it's tough with birds to diagnose problems, but I do know that real feather pickers (like Henry) pick everywhere there beaks can reach, or anything else there beaks can reach (henry chewed down 8" of baseboard last night in about 2 min :wow)!! So if Coco is just picking in one spot on her body and not much else, then it may be like an itch needing to be scrached (sp). Does that make sense?
Was trying out the 100mm macro today at the camera store
Very nice and very sharp ....it's at #3 on my list of lenses
Nice shots of Coco
It's funny theres a girl up the street we call Coco too.
Sorry she's prettier then your bird.
My names Maggie. I was gonna have my owner (that's the dumb lookin one over there with the black box) :lol start a new thread to show how pretty I'm gettin, but I saw this I wanna play here OK
One thing gotta watch Henry he's kinda wierd, he thinks feathers taste better then nuts
Great shots Keith
Tack Sharp any more and they'd bleed
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I love Maggies eyes. Do the pupils move in an out a lot when you talk to her?
You can't see her neck in these pics, but Coco has been picking at it pretty good. It's exposed, not as much, like Henry's.
By the way if Coco's picking is centeralized it may be an indication of some medical rather then pshycological problem, JMO. Have you chk. that ?
I know it's tough with birds to diagnose problems, but I do know that real feather pickers (like Henry) pick everywhere there beaks can reach, or anything else there beaks can reach (henry chewed down 8" of baseboard last night in about 2 min :wow)!! So if Coco is just picking in one spot on her body and not much else, then it may be like an itch needing to be scrached (sp). Does that make sense?
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