The Canal..............IR

Howdy All,
Been pretty hot out lately so here's one from the archives.

Shot with Sony 717/IR set up
Been pretty hot out lately so here's one from the archives.

Shot with Sony 717/IR set up
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
I'm having a little trouble with this one. I don't know if it could be lightened up a little....might help in showing what the scene really is. Others may well feel differently.
Howdy Tom,
Thanks so much for your reply and thoughts and suggestions.
It was from my "Dark Period"
Burleson, Texas
Hi Craig I see what Tom means about wanting to see it lightened up,
but it does look okay just the way it is too.
Nice one
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Hey Craig,
I know what you mean about the heat...I've been polishing my PS skills and taking a really long time processing stuff. And taking long siestas.
This is so close to being a great pic that it's almost painful. Just a little more detail in the shadows would send it over the top for me. If you have pushed it as far as it will go, another thing worth trying might be a square crop, removing mostly from the bottom but also some from the top so that the brightest areas take up a greater proportion of the frame.
Of course, if you're happy with it as is, that's fine too. It's a very good shot.
Stay cool.
Howdy Skippy,
I aslo think it might have a different look being lighter, tried it last night, still like this one better.
Thanks for the reply and your thoughts.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Richard,
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for your suggestions.
This was actually a small drainage canal about 18-24" wide, and I stuck my camera down close to the water for the shot, so highlighting too much info or details might tell all the secrets:D
I'll take another look at the crop possibility, thanks for suggesting it.
Burleson, Texas
My Gallery
Howdy Awais,
Thank you very much!!
Kindest Regards,
Burleson, Texas
Thanks DaddyO, appreciate it!!
Burleson, Texas