Forest Fire

I shot these today with a D300 and 70-200 with 2.0 TC. The fire was a couple kilometers away. These pilots are amazing. This is one huge Airplane and they are just skimming the tree tops.

Yes! That is definitely sick....nicely put.
These are awesome, I agree that number one is my favorite, but it's definitely a really cool series!!!!!!!!!!
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
Ohhhhh my Gosh Montec :wow :jawdrop :wow :jawdrop :wow
These are aaaaaawsome!!!
Yep those pilots really are amazing, and aren't we all glad they are around.
Excellent Shots
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
from and are these photos from one run or was it more? Looks like more.
I would say the fire was about 2 kilometres away on the top of a mountain just above the small town of Salmo, BC. I used a tripod.
We seen the lightning strike and fire burst out, then a few minutes later the forestry's spotter plane checked out the fire and I knew that the big plane would be there shortly so I went and set up for the shot.
The photos are from several runs. I am putting together a 6 shot series from one run that looks pretty cool.
Thanks for the info. Nice.
using. Michael
Just a 70-200 with 2.0 are cropped
Am surprised for lens. Would have thought more. So sharp even cropped.
Heck of a lens there. Michael
Those firemen and pilots guys can kick*ss!
My Gallery
Stunning Series, that first one is Spectacular!!
Very nicely done!!!
Burleson, Texas
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
The entire series of photos can be seen here