A lot of fun shots about mundane objects and activities. These are all the photos I pulled out of the contest that I felt were contenders for the voting and considering. So if you didn't happen to win, you did make my "Honorable Mention" section if you are in the following set. Congratulations!

OK...so now on to the top 5!
At number 5

Number 4...

Number 3...

And number 2; who if number 1 fails to start the next thread under the terms of the winning conditions shall become number 1...

And finally...with a big congratulations!

Continue to watch this thread as it will be the thread I will provide my feedback on the photos. Judging these was very subjective. I approached it from a three point front. 1) THEME 2) UNIQUE STYLE OR ANGLE 3) QUALITY OF THE PHOTO/TECHNIQUE.
And let me tell you...it was hard! 10 of the photos above were in the top 5 first cut.
Congratulations Paul. Look forward to you contest!!

OK...so now on to the top 5!
At number 5

Number 4...

Number 3...

And number 2; who if number 1 fails to start the next thread under the terms of the winning conditions shall become number 1...

And finally...with a big congratulations!

Continue to watch this thread as it will be the thread I will provide my feedback on the photos. Judging these was very subjective. I approached it from a three point front. 1) THEME 2) UNIQUE STYLE OR ANGLE 3) QUALITY OF THE PHOTO/TECHNIQUE.
And let me tell you...it was hard! 10 of the photos above were in the top 5 first cut.
Congratulations Paul. Look forward to you contest!!
My Blog about Life:
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
My congrat's go out to the top 5 and honarable mentions as well, good job everyone!
Cheers, Sunita
Thank you for the honor…and thanks for such a fun theme! It was interesting to see how folks used their cameras and imagination to transform the ordinary & mundane into the wonderful & striking! What a great bunch of photos and photographers. Congratulations to all who participated!
The best part of this is that now I get to name the next theme! I’ve had a theme in mind for quite some time now that I’ve wanted to see this group’s interpretation of…Be on the lookout for a new Mini-Challenge thread.
Thanks again,
Congrats to all you finalists, a job well done.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
That egg cooker is sweet. And I agree with Doug, the burner shot is top notch too.
Thanks to everyone for making this so much fun.
I can't wait to see what Paul is "cooking" up for the next challenge
This was a difficult challenge, I went through 4 completely different themes and rejected all of them. My final entry felt like a rush job...
Jeff Meyers
Quite cool to see my photo in the top 5 even if it's just toilet paper!
You'd be surprised how complicated that toilet paper shot actually was!
Was not a mundane task at all.
I liked the shot, and the fact that I can see your camera & tripod in the reflection.:D
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks! Among other hurdles, Originally I was in the reflection but I was clearly in my boxers. Then I realized all the different colors I had in my bathroom and things would have to disappear. Then when I thought I was done and shut the tripod down, my wife went to the bathroom and said, "clean the dust off the chrome!" Time to re-open the tripod and re-shoot!
Finally got around to it. Sorry for the delay! If more than one photo was entered, I will pick my favorite of the three and provide feedback on it, unless inspired for some other reason to say more...and remember, these are just my thoughts which probably don't mean much, but I hope it helps.
Congrats. Top 5. I like Girlie Toes painting. For some reason, the photos for this that really appealed to me were the black and white photos. I don't think I have ever entered a bw before so it was interesting to see me leaning that way that day. I like the use of selective coloring and your DOF. The big toe could use a little cleaning up and the object behind the foot is a little distracting. But overall...great photo.
Your cookie photo was amazing! I just struggled making it mundane. Every time I thought about cookies, I got hungry and excited. I guess to many "non" mundane memories of cookies and milk. I also love your Elegant Cooking photo. It may have been a strong contender if the book was more readable with less reflected light.
My favorite of the three was a Cup. Simple composition, good use of 1/3rds. I would have like to see the crop in tighter...maybe even fill a full third or more of the frame with the cup. I like that you got down on the ground for the shot. The angle works well. DOF is good as well.
Freshly Washed. Got my attention early on when I first saw it. I like the visual flow of the photo, the angle is appealing, the PP adds to it as well. Great shot.
This is a great photo. I like it. Advertising quality. Very simple, but engaging. The tones and shapes keep your eyes working the photo. Well done!
washing machine glory
Your creative approach to this shot was fantastic!! Made me want to throw some stuff in the dryer and take pictures. The colors are vibrantly cool! The only part I don't like is the noisy greyscale portion. I wonder if it would work better if it went to black or nearly black. It doesn't lend to the photo. A gradation to black may make the photo more mysterious and engaging.
Bonus points for the great story! Loved the simple photography, but the middle shot had that extra umph. The laughing while viewing points got you in the Honorable Mention. Definitely made something quite mundane become engaging.
Very mundane subject, well executed technique with a great conversion. I like it. Would make a good postcard...just don't know for what state.
Blaze Z Blaze
I think you were on to something with this photo. I don't know that selective coloring worked in this case. I love the point of view and how you really got in on the subject. The angle of the photo doesn't seem deliberate enough. Was it suppose to be level, or leaning. It is at that angle that I can't tell. I also wonder if in this particular case, focus may have worked better on a more front bottle.
Home run! Uniqe. Mundane. Engaging. Great photo. Wouldn't change a thing. Love the light to dark and the play with light. Great photo.
Down a six pack
Nice use of photos to illustrate your work day. Your photo of the bottles was top notch!! Stock photography quality. I'm not a drinker, but I still couldn't make that a "mundane" activity. Every time I have seen people engaging in drinking, it was something they looked forward to and enjoyed quite a bit. Amazing photo.
Great simple photo. Would like to see it more "in your face!" Also, the debris just next to it is distracting to my eye. Good thought, nice DOF, Great angle.
You have a nice series of executed photos. They didn't make my cut because they were not mundane objects. Your briquetts made my mouth water, the hair was cool, and although I don't drink coffee, I know how passionate people are about their coffee. It was my favorite of your three. I like the angles in the photo and the repetitive shapes.
Mundane subject, great photo. I like the angle, DOF, PP. Wouldn't change a thing...great photo.
I like your creative thought process on the photo. I was glad you shared the story. But had I not read it, I wouldn't have figured it out. The selective color on this photo doesn't work for me. I was unable to figure out what the spread was until I read your comments. I love your angle and how close you got in on the shot. That really works. One major thing against you on this subject however, is that I eat a peanut butter and honey sandwich nearly every day...so it doesn't classify for my "mundane" category. Sorry!
I don't remember your work being so simple and clean! I love it!! All three of your photos are great. I really like the grater! I love the casted shadow. Perfect!
This is a hard photo to take and still be safe. I like the idea a lot! I love the view in the rear view mirror...awsome! It would have been fun to have motion blur in the shot as well.
Amazing photo! Excellent execution, great use of thirds, engaging angles are nice as well. Easy to look at for some time. I just didn't find birds "mundane". I can watch them for hours. Great shot!!!
Very good interpretation on the theme. Story included in a single photo! Nicely done. What would have put it over the top for me and made it a winner was to have a shadow of "wife or mom" cast onto the wall behind with her hands on her hips like she had just caught you "napping on the job".
It is always hard to be the second with a great idea because the first tends to get the fame of the idea. Subject is mundane, shot is nice. Dirt on the keyboard is distracting, and a little different angle may be more pleasing. Great interpretation and subject!
This is a fantastic photo! Repeating shapes, nice close in shot...love it. Just too fun! Couldn't see the mundane.
Wishing I was there now. Doesn't reach my "mundane" category. This would be a fun location to try and get higher up to shoot looking down a little more. Horizon seems a little off to the right as well.
You nailed the theme on this. White bread is mundane and bland to me. Nice photo, good angle, like the repeating shapes. Just beat out by other entries.
I don't know what Chipotle is...maybe if I did, I wouldn't have picked it since it wasn't mundane. But ignorance may have helped you in this photo. I saw it as a simple drink cup. Boring and mundane. But ypur ligting treatment and simplification worked very well for me on this. I would have like to see the bottom of the cup in the shot and maybe a strong tilting angle. Overall...liked it!
Great series of some classic photos. Simple subject, great color and shots.
The first time I saw it...I didnt get it. About the third or fourth time, I reread your photo name and "BAM!" it was deep!! Your photo has to be able to give the viewer that "BAM" at the point they see it. So...on this shot, I think you should have pulled back just a little bit more so the viewer could immediately identify the object as a satellite dish. Great thought!
I love your "Sunday Afternoon" photo. Great architectural shot. I just enjoy and look forward to my Sunday nap that I couldn't get mundane out of the subject.
Alright. Thank you to everyone for being patient with me. I enjoyed your entries. Hope this provides some info to think about...if you want more thoughts or have questions, feel free to post or PM me.
Have a great day!!!
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
yup, wish id thought of it dang it!
Thank you Shatch for taking the time to post critiques. Also glad you liked the picture. I stuggled with the "nail clippers" in the background to show or not to show. In my decision I left them in there as more of a stopping place for the eye not to get sucked into the light grey nothingness in the top right corner. My lil one had come in the house barefooted when I thought of this idea. She used a wash cloth on her foot but there was some dirt left in creases. Again this was intentional as a little nine year old will not do as good of a job cleaning or painting the nails...thus making it seem more realistic than a set up. Thanks again for your comments and putting me in the top 5.
Dang! Why didn't I think of that!
Thanks for the feedback
Yeah I guess maybe Chipotle isn't all that mundane, well there food isn't anyway, but it is a simple drink cup.
This was so much fun and I got an honorable mention.
(I'm grinning from ear to ear.)
What have you learned today?
I don't remember your work being so simple and clean! I love it!! All three of your photos are great. I really like the grater! I love the casted shadow. Perfect! [/quote]
Thanks for your comments! really appreciate it. It was a fun round and much as I wanted to, couldn't quite get an oomph shot out
Thanks alot for feedback shatch, its much apreciated!
Thanks for the feedback, shatch! Yanno, I sat here and tried and tried and tried to be creative this time but I when I got to that photo, it was like a light bulb went off over my head - too easy! I think I'll quit trying and just let it happen.
The first time I saw it...I didnt get it. About the third or fourth time, I reread your photo name and "BAM!" it was deep!! Your photo has to be able to give the viewer that "BAM" at the point they see it. So...on this shot, I think you should have pulled back just a little bit more so the viewer could immediately identify the object as a satellite dish. Great thought!
Thanks for the feedback! Yes, that Dish is what keeps us connected having been camping for 2 years almost now! I forget that not everyone has it!!!
Glad that you liked it... I liked its "purpose"... from here to there to here!!!
Be well... Ara & Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain