Lightning Storm Last Night

Nature put on quite a light show for us last night. Here are a few shots.

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Thanks for looking.
Nice job.
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You shot these from your house. ?
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Good job capturing all those bolts, looks cool!
Wow Joel, must have been quite a show, gawwwwwd look at the length of those strikes!
I always hope no one gets hurt in the process.
Great Series
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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Thanks very much, Daddyo. Yeah, these were shot from the front yard this time. Last year I got this set from my backyard.
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Thanks, Jack. I really appreciate it.
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Thanks, Pyry!
It was a pretty cool storm. Although, it was a pretty frustrating shoot. I had a lot of camera problems, self-induced by accidentally fumbling the wrong settings in the dark, guessing wrong at exposures, etc, etc. I swear I missed all the really good shots. I guess I was just really rusty. I'm really hoping we get another one soon.
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Excellent job Joel!! The 4th one is top notch!!
Ummm.... how about a little EXIF data?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
very nicely shot...
Skippy, not to worry. No photographers were harmed in the making.
Aaron, I played around with exposures, but finally settled on F6.3, ISO 200. Manual focus. That shot you liked was at 28mm focal length. They're all bulb exposures. Just keep the shutter open until you get a lightning strike, or until a maximum amount of time of your choice elapses to keep from overexposing any ambient light sources and to reduce noise. Exposures vary as does the brightness of lightning. There's always an element of chance, not only in predicting where the lightning will strike next, but also in guessing the correct exposure.
Thanks again folks,
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