Baseball Card Template

Does anyone have or know where to find a good baseball card template for Photoshop or Paintshop? I did a search on here and found some companies that offer to print them but I was hoping to find one to use here at home for my sons little league team to give as gifts to the kids. Any help would be appreciated. I went to the Adobe exchange which has 2 but not what I was looking for just so you know. Thanks in advance!
P.S. I saw your my signiture below.
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them.... I liked them alright I suppose. I didnt understand the Logo Layer at all. I had trouble changing the team logo layer to my layer. I thought at first it was a copyright protection issue but they arent selling it they are giving it away. And it has the layer revealed on how to change it. If that was gone I would probably be fine with considering that is already the team colors. If you get time take a look and see what I am missing. That would save creating a whole new template I suppose. Oh and I saw your signature. And I am already signed up hehe. Keep up!
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
Sorry, Even after two years, This thread gets me tons of emails asking for the templates.
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
Here's a couple from a quick search
Here is a good site with cheap Photoshop Sports Templates, you can really work and customize these templates.