Still too centered? (L@@K Skippy)

Skippy keeps reminding me to move off center. I also shot these at sunset, instead of my usual midday routine. What a difference a few hours makes with the light! :rofl Any thoughts?
#1 - "Poles and Wires"

#2 - "Telephone Wires at Sunset", aka "More Poles and Wires"
#1 - "Poles and Wires"

#2 - "Telephone Wires at Sunset", aka "More Poles and Wires"

Ohhhhh boy, oh boy if I could count how many times I had that said to me you'd laugh, you know Lauren I still have a problem with centering at times
Now don't get me wrong, some images look fine centered, but quite often there is room for far better composition if you just take your time.
Looks look Great, I really like the Telephone Wire shot
..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Nikon D3 and a bunch of nikkor gear
that has added up over the years :wink
I like that tip about using the center for something special. I did a better job at all of this with my old 35mm--when I was trying to save film.
The telephone line shot is one of my favorites so far. Does the wire in the lower left detract or is it ok? I have some others of this scene with different sky colors--might post another later and see what you think.
Thanks to you both-
Lauren Blackwell