See my "self" printed & mounted or even framed pictures ?
The Smugmug print service is nice and all, but obviously there are clients who want that the artist carefully prints stuff themselves, signs, mounts and probably even frames the pictures before it is shipped.
I have found no way to set up my own prices for prints that I do myself. That should be straight forward no ? That's the least I would have expected from the PRO account ...
So, how do YOU do it ? Many thanks for your short answer!
Best regards,
I have found no way to set up my own prices for prints that I do myself. That should be straight forward no ? That's the least I would have expected from the PRO account ...
So, how do YOU do it ? Many thanks for your short answer!
Best regards,
Not so, there's plenty to it, since our model at present is set up for us to do the card transaction, customer service, printing, shipping, and fulfillment, and all that, and guarantee it 100% as well
You're free to sell your own stuff though, adding Google Checkout, Paypal, is fairly trivial task.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Agreed, good for most stuff.
Related question for printing:
- will you have the option of UK & European labs soon to reduce shipping costs ?
- is there a way to determine and fix the print margin sizes (e.g. when orders are meant to be mounted afterwards). Your cropping preview in the new shipping card is fantastic, but it would be even better if there would be a way to determine the margins for each side of the print. Anything like this planned ? I am aware of a workaround solution by preparing a file that includes the margins, but that's not the way forward obvously.
This is great info Andy! Thanks for that. I will check out these options!
Best regards,
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
a) I couldn't get any print margins set for canvas type products. I surely do something wrong.
b) So it seems you have the "code-basis" for this already, so I wonder what stops you to offer it for every print. You say you offer it for products it "fits" for, but I argue that any (!) print might need margins and only the photographer can decide where it "fits" and is needed, e.g. when mounted or framed properly.
We talk about print service for pro-users/photographers, and margins are in my opinion absolutely essential. PLEASE, I'd love to see that enabled for all your products, given you have the code already written for that
Best regards,
Hi Markus,
I'm sorry, it looks like Andy didn't quite follow your original question.
We show the area that will wrap on a mounted print, so that you and your customers will know what to expect on the final product. However, we don't add any margins around the outside of images when we print them. If you want a white border, say, around all sides, that would need to be something you'd add to the original image before adding it to SmugMug. Or, you could use our proof-delay feature to replace each image that is ordered with one that contains and appropriate border.
Maybe I didn't understand your question either?
Support Hero
Thanks for your reply.
I think you understood that perfectly well
Yes, I am aware of the option of uploading all the prints using proof-delay that are supposed to have margins, but that is quite time consuming and not the point. It is a work around yes, but it would be sooo nice to just be able to say: 1inch margin/border that allows for later mounting
ANY chance to get that implemented at some point ? How do you feel about that ?
Best regards,