"Invalid User" error when calling subcategories.delete?

UPDATE: MY BAD, the URL was wrongly formed- it had a space after "SubCategoryID"
Created a category, and a subcategory using categories.create and subcategories.create through the API.
But when i delete the subcategory through subcategories.delete, i get an "invalid user" error. (this is through an active session, so the user is logged in and can perform other actions.)
I was able to delete the category without any problems though.
https://api.smugmug.com/services/api/rest/1.2.1?method=smugmug.subcategories.delete&APIKey=<SNIP>&SubCategoryID =576788&SessionID=<SNIP>
Am i missing something?
UPDATE: Same behavior when renaming subcategories.
Created a category, and a subcategory using categories.create and subcategories.create through the API.
But when i delete the subcategory through subcategories.delete, i get an "invalid user" error. (this is through an active session, so the user is logged in and can perform other actions.)
I was able to delete the category without any problems though.
https://api.smugmug.com/services/api/rest/1.2.1?method=smugmug.subcategories.delete&APIKey=<SNIP>&SubCategoryID =576788&SessionID=<SNIP>
Am i missing something?
UPDATE: Same behavior when renaming subcategories.