It's not over, Mr. Anderson...

It's not over...

Got very bored last night (first bad sign) and finally tried "painting with light". After messing around with various light sources I found one I'm not sure I've seen yet, wireless optical mouse! Depending on how fast you move it around the laser "strobes" and creates some very interesting patterns!

Just having some fun folks...:dunno

Got very bored last night (first bad sign) and finally tried "painting with light". After messing around with various light sources I found one I'm not sure I've seen yet, wireless optical mouse! Depending on how fast you move it around the laser "strobes" and creates some very interesting patterns!

Just having some fun folks...:dunno
Me and my roomate did this with a digital mouse a month or so ago it was fun!
I Live at
I guess should have put a disclaimer about my reference in the first one, for those unfamiliar with the movie ©The Matrix.
And cool shot btw!