Return to the spiral stairs...

So this weekend I had a chance to return to Cabrillo National Monument, where I found a nice spiral staircase in the old lighthouse. The first time, I accidently left my circular polarizer on and got a ton of less than good shots! :rofl But I posted a few here just because they still looked cool. So here's from the reshoot...

2) Not too sharp... I may have processed the wrong image and didn't realize it until I was done... or I did bad, bad things in post... Either is possible

3) And a little bit of color...

The best of the day went into the Whipping Post, so check it out there, or feel free to leave comments|questions|critiques here!
Thanks for looking!!

2) Not too sharp... I may have processed the wrong image and didn't realize it until I was done... or I did bad, bad things in post... Either is possible

3) And a little bit of color...

The best of the day went into the Whipping Post, so check it out there, or feel free to leave comments|questions|critiques here!
Thanks for looking!!

Wow these look great, I like the last one the most.
The first and the last are the pick of the 3.
I think seeing the wear and tear on the stairs in the second shot,
takes away from the ARTY look.
Nice find
Nicely done
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks Skippy!!!
I'm torn on the wear and tear myself... part of me has always liked a "grungy" kind of feeling but another part of me agrees with you. I think that if I had gotten a sharp focus for that shot, I would try to clone out the wear in PS, but for now I'll leave that work until after I get the focus right!
Thanks again for looking!!
SmugMug QA
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