What does your camera bag look like?

More specifically on the inside, where it matters 
What bags do you use and how and what do you pack in it?
Please post pictures!
I have two bags at the moment, I've owned a total of five (a Lowepro, Nova 3 and a 5 and a Tamrac expedition 5 backpack have come and gone).
My lightweight setup, a Lowepro Slingshot 300:
1 body, 2 extra lenses and filters, batteries and lens cloths in the side pocket and a flash and/or shirt would go in the top:

Same bag with 2 bodies (the lower one is a tad hemmed in by the lip of the opening):

And the heavy bag, a Lowepro Vertex 300, 2 bodies, a total of six lenses, flash, filters, all kinds of stuff up to a compass. The laptop compartment takes drinks and clothes more often than a laptop.

Both bodies in the top corners for easier access, both bags fitted so that any lens can be attached to the body and all but the big 100-400 trombone with hoods extended.
Let's see yours!

What bags do you use and how and what do you pack in it?
Please post pictures!
I have two bags at the moment, I've owned a total of five (a Lowepro, Nova 3 and a 5 and a Tamrac expedition 5 backpack have come and gone).
My lightweight setup, a Lowepro Slingshot 300:
1 body, 2 extra lenses and filters, batteries and lens cloths in the side pocket and a flash and/or shirt would go in the top:

Same bag with 2 bodies (the lower one is a tad hemmed in by the lip of the opening):

And the heavy bag, a Lowepro Vertex 300, 2 bodies, a total of six lenses, flash, filters, all kinds of stuff up to a compass. The laptop compartment takes drinks and clothes more often than a laptop.

Both bodies in the top corners for easier access, both bags fitted so that any lens can be attached to the body and all but the big 100-400 trombone with hoods extended.
Let's see yours!
and with all my flashes and lenses.
used my film cam in place of the 40D. Foam holds the 40D or XTI with the 70-200 on it pretty solid.
Oh and one last setup. If I plan to be walking around with my flash on the camera, then I plan for the light setup and I collapse the area normally holding the 580eX:
I haven't had a problem with this last setup, but I'm not entirely comfortable with it either. It fits well, but I think if I trip and fall the flash would snap off.
I'll take a couple more shots of my other bag later.
An interesting idea with that flash, I suppose it's safe as long as you don't bump it too badly ( short distances, don't lean into the bag...)
How much does that thing weigh fully loaded? :oogle
I switched to a backpack when my shoulder bag reached nearly 10 kilos. It was seriously cramping my style
Yeah but I'm probably going to stop carrying it around like that; doing it only if the bag is grounded.
Enough that it is the take everything and put the bag on the seat of the truck bag.
My main form of photography is sports photography so lugging the bag to a venue in the truck is not a big problem. I just pull the bodies and lenses and stuff the other gear in pockets in my shooting vest.
That is probably my favorite bag, if you can call it that. A photography vest from Cabela's. Has 4 nicely padded pockets for lenses, flash units etc. One padded pocket is even big enough for a 70-200 f2.8 with hood.
Did I forget to mention, I have added a couple of lenses since that photo was taken??? Now if I could only get the 400 f2.8 in there. I could leave the other suitcase at home.
5D2/1D MkII N/40D and a couple bits of glass.