program for backing up hard drive

I have all of my pictures on a 500GB external hard drive, my 80 GB laptop hard drive can't hold them all! I have another 500GB hard drive I want to mirror the other external. Is there a program I can use for this? i have a PC laptop and want something that will also perform periodic updates to the back up.
I've had good luck with SyncBack ( - they have a freeware version of the program as well more feature-rich versions that are quite affordable (I use SyncBack SE). I use it to back up my laptop as well as desktop to several different external drives and have never had a problem.
... on a daily basis. I find it flexible enough without being too complicated. I have an external drive and have PTReplicator synchronise several volumes and folders including my images disk with it each night.
Check it out and do a little trial to see if it's what you want.
+1 SyncBack rocks.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Sorry- bad form. -1 to me. I couldn't resist.
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Never used this:
Stephen Marsh
Love is free. Laughter is free. And Syncback is free.
Well, sort of. The basic version is free, but if you want incremental or differential backups (which are much, much faster) you need to get the full version. Don't know what it costs today, but I paid 30 bucks less than a year ago. One license covers five machines. IMO, it is well worth the price.
You are correct. In my case though, I just run all my backups overnight so there's no need for more speed.
Right now, however, I'm trying a service called SugarSync to keep my documents folders sync'd between the computer at home and the computer at work. (It also stores a copy on a cloud so I can access all files from a netbook. If this works well it will fill a need I've had for a long time as someone who needs access to all my files from multiple computers.