practice graduation pictures (8 images)
these are the first practice graduation pictures I've taken, so I'm a little nervous about posting them, but I want to learn and I know this forum will help me as it has so many others.
I had my sister pose for these and she was more than willing and we had a lot of fun. I don't have any PS software, so these are straight from the camera (I do plan on getting PS CS3 soon).
you can view the entire shoot at:
C&C welcome.







I had my sister pose for these and she was more than willing and we had a lot of fun. I don't have any PS software, so these are straight from the camera (I do plan on getting PS CS3 soon).
you can view the entire shoot at:
C&C welcome.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Jeff Meyers
Others are great too.
A couple of "rules" to which you need to pay more attention:
show the outside edge.
Now for C&C on each photo
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thanks for the encouragement Joe. I used a 50mm.
hindsight is 20/20! I see now where I cut off her toe! She does have a huge birthmark on her thigh, that's why I had her facing this way to minimize it in the photo as much as possible.
Is this the picture you were referring to when speaking about the backs of hands? I'm not sure how I could have gotten the ring in there without showing the back of her hand...
she refused to let me 'fix' her hair! I'm not sure if I see the blue/green blob you are talking about. I guess it's just something in the background that I'll have to fix once I get some software.
thanks for the suggestion of cropping it, I agree with you that it will look much better. also thanks mentioning the left hand; didn't see that til now!
great suggestions, will have to keep that in mind next much to remember when shooting!!
yeah, this one is out of focus, but I couldn't for the life of me get it right. I'll have to keep practicing. Can you explain the color balance? I'm not sure how it's off? but then again, I'm a beginner.
will try to remember to pay attention to not having the subject centered.
again, thanks so much for all the helpful advice. I'm still learning how my gear works, so hopefully the pictures will only get better with time.
thanks oceanlights for the comments
Color Balance (aka, White Balance) refers to the fact that we like to see white things being white and skin tones being correct. The color of the light illuminating our subject will often create a color cast, causing our whites to be pink, green, magenta, etc. When we look at a person in what ever light, our brain is doing a lot of "color translation" for us, correcting for the different colors of light. But our cameras (and film, etc) are stupid - they can't look at a scene and make the correct adjustments without help from us.
So, when shooting, you need to be able to tell the camera what color of light is being used. This is usually done by setting a Custom White Balance (see your owner's manual to learn how this is done). Or, you can take a picture of something you know is of a neutral color, like a gray card. I use a WhiBal card (link). When you have that, you can use that in your post processing to determine what corrections need to be made to get the color corrected. I'm happy to offer what I know. I just hope it more helps than hinders.
I am also still learning and hoping that my photography will get better with time, practice, and experience. We are all in that same boat - some just have more mistakes in their past.:D
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Scott, your C&C are so helpful to new photographers, thanks.
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