
Calibrating my printer using my scanner?

RhuarcRhuarc Registered Users Posts: 1,464 Major grins
edited August 20, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
I was looking at gettin the tools to properly calibrate my entire workflow today. I already have a monitir calibrator that works great. I was amazed at how expensive the calibration scanners for printers are. Then suddenly I had a thought. I already have a scanner, if I could order a calbration print from somewhere for purposes of calibrating my scanner, then I would have a calibrated device with wich to calibrate a print from my printer.

I was thinking I could order a scanner calibration print, and calibrate my printer. Then I figured there must be software out there that can print out a calibration target, scan it back in using a calibrated scanner, and create a printer profile based on that.

Does this sound feasible> If so has anywone heard of any software that could do something like this?

Thanks everyone!


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    NewsyNewsy Registered Users Posts: 605 Major grins
    edited August 19, 2008
    Check out "Profile Prism" from http://www.ddisoftware.com/prism/

    I last used this about 3 years ago to deal with issues I have having with an Epson printer. Worked reasonably well. Some people have had issues with it due their scanner was not up to the task. But.... DDI supplies you a target which you scan and with their software it generates a paper profile for use with your printer.

    Their is also a Yahoo supprt group for it that would be worht browsing before you buy it.

    I'm not sure if it is still supported.
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    01af01af Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited August 20, 2008
    Dunthorn Calibration
    Rhuarc wrote:
    I already have a scanner, if I could order a calbration print from somewhere for purposes of calibrating my scanner, then I would have a calibrated device with wich to calibrate a print from my printer. [...] Does this sound feasible? If so has anyone heard of any software that could do something like this?
    Have a look here: Dunthorn Calibration.

    -- Olaf
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