Question about canvas prints...
and fading. I just sold my first 2 canvas prints and first of all, they look amazing! My customer asked an interesting question and I thought I would ask it here and relay the info to her. She wanted to know if she should be concerned about canvas prints fading if they are exposed to bright sun in their home. Any info would be great!
I think this writeup is what Kodak says about Smugmug's current photo paper (100 years in normal house light, 200 years in dark storage). Prints (just like other forms of artwork) do fade faster in sunlight, particularly if not behind UV coated glass, but I don't know how one would quanitify how much faster in their particular environment. I'm also not sure if the canvas offering is this same type of paper or not.
Andy is on vacation right now - hopefully someone else from Smugmug can chime in.
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