Mac RAM Upgrade
Sorry, I know this has been addressed here, but I have spent the last hour searching. There seems to be a preferred third-party supplier of additional RAM for Macs -- can someone please shoot me a link?
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Easy company to deal with also - I made a mistake on another order for my laptop and ended up being sent 2 1Gb chips instead of one 2 Gb chip. Just got the RMA number from their website, mailed the wrong chips back and got the right one all within a week or so. No problems or difficulties from the company.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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I have bought a couple 1 Tb Seagate internal hard drives from them and really like them
Orders filled and shipped quickly.
I have not tried memory from them though. Like you I like Crucial.
But for hardware from non-OEM vendors, their prices are pretty good for the mac world.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Then put 2 and 2 together.
No, you don't.
And by the way -- here is the awesome power of the internet and the beauty of this forum -- 50 minutes from my original post, my order is already placed after strong endorsements from highly respected participants (mostly mods!) here -- how good is that?????
For my Mac Pro there is a three or four page full color article showing precisely how to add memory in pairs of chips, so I assume they do want us to do just that.
But they ( Apple) are willing to charge a large premium if you want/need them to add it for you. Fair enough, I say.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I never loved that machine ( it was as noisy as a jet engine ), but the MacPro definitely Rocks, and is near dead silent too!!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Heh, I've lugged mine into the genius bar a couple times too. The first time I did they were kinda shocked that I came walking into the store carrying it. They were like "you know you can call us ahead and we'll meet you up at door 16, right?" uhm, no, I hadn't known that. Now I do. Heaviest mac they ever made....
Odd, I just replaced my quad G5 with a quad MacPro... and so far, I'm NOT loving the MacPro. It stutters all too often, full screen video playback is herky-jerky (admittedly, I've also got more pixels now, but it's also a much newer graphics card.) And when I really push the box hard, I'll admit it's a touch quieter, but it's also a higher frequency, and it's far more annoying.
This is a pretty standard practice in the industry. For instance, third-party RAM for Cisco routers is much less expensive than the equivalent Cisco RAM. Or at least it used to be, last time I looked a few years ago. I think the same is true for Sun or IBM on many of their servers (at least the ones I use).
Note that I said "standard," not "good."
Excellent, excellent, excellent. One of the greatest value arbitrages that I have ever seen anywhere!