DSS Mega Thoughts

:scratch I've been milling around with two different ideas for this challenge. Thoughts, comments will be appreciated. Thanks. :thumb
#1 - Untitled for now. Subject deals with the interconnection between air, water, earth.

#2 - Fe + O2 = RUST
#1 - Untitled for now. Subject deals with the interconnection between air, water, earth.

#2 - Fe + O2 = RUST

No. 2 is a good idea, playing on the chemical reaction, but I don't honestly think this image is good enough yet. The theme doesn't really strike through enough. perhaps you need to get in closer to simplify the composition more so that the texture of the rust is obvious and adds to the message, or perhaps you could just try re-framing to make it more dynamic. I don't know, but at the moment it doesn't quite hit me.
Hope that helps.
Seems like I need to play around a bit more. :hack
I went back to the drawing board and was wondering if any of these speak the theme. Comments, input welcome. Thanks!!
#1 - Water, Vital Component for All Life
#2 - Wu Xing: Mu (Wood)
One of Five Elements of Chinese Philosophy
#3 - Water, Earth, Air: All Interconnected
#4 - Earth, Water, Sky: All Interconnected
I love the simplicity and the colour of the first image - but I think that there is a bit too much dead space in the image. I still like your rust image as well. :-) Good Luck. I still do not have anything as of yet!!!!!
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Why is it that always seems to be the situation. It is the shot we messed up or took from the hip that seems to get the most attention. I would consider a different crop on it, but I like it.
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch