
Status of Electronic Funds Transfer...or something like that

MSMooreMSMoore Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
edited June 28, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support

What's the status of getting an electronic funds transfer option setup to replace the paper checks?

In July, I requested a check for a little bitty amount that didn't rate an issued check. The amount was kind of old and the "Countess of Cash" responded quickly (@ 11pm that night...smile) that SM would take care of it...and a check was mailed on 8 Aug. As of today, I haven't received it and I'm taking time out of my 18 hour day to try to find this little piece of paper.

I've turned on the SM shopping cart only twice in my nearly two years with SM...and was thinking about using it on a regular basis to supplement my existing revenue stream/print delivery method. Now, I'm not sure....hence my question.

I've read posts in months gone by that something was in the works.

So...what say ye? Seems like the headache of setting up the electronic thing would only be short lived...and the "Countess of Cash" would be resolving fewer issues @ 11pm.

Thanks for all you do.

My spam ---> www.bothphoto.com :D


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    dogwooddogwood Registered Users Posts: 2,572 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2008
    I've asked about this a lot too. The answer always seems to be a vague variation on, "We want this feature and we hope to have it someday."

    Checks are so 20th century... and expensive! There's postage and the actual checks cost money and of course someone has to print and sign them. Hopefully, it will come down to a cost savings analysis for SM and they'll implement this to reduce their cost of doing business...

    ... one can always dream, anyway!

    Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
    website blog instagram facebook g+

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    docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited August 24, 2008
    Andy is off enjoying his photoshoot-vacation so I will respond like he does :D

    "We want this feature and we hope to have it someday." mwink.gif I know, I used to hate when he does that.

    We know you want it and we are working to make it happen. thumb.gif
    SmugMug Support Hero
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    chuckinsocalchuckinsocal Registered Users Posts: 932 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2008
    Andy's other pearl of wisdom:

    "Thank you for letting us know how important this is to you" ne_nau.gif.
    Chuck Cannova

    Artistically & Creatively Challenged
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    docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited August 24, 2008
    While he is away, we could start a thread of Andy pearls. rolleyes1.gif

    I know he is my boss, but I love to pick.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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    MSMooreMSMoore Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited August 29, 2008
    Thanks Doc...I like Andy pearlsclap.gif

    I sent you the requested info to get my domain thing squared away.

    Thanks for all you do bowdown.gif

    I guess I'll have to bother the "Countess of Cash" to mail another check.
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    urbanariesurbanaries Registered Users Posts: 2,690 Major grins
    edited August 29, 2008
    docwalker wrote:
    While he is away, we could start a thread of Andy pearls. rolleyes1.gif

    I know he is my boss, but I love to pick.

    you guys forgot the coup de grace:

    "I wish I had a better answer for you." (translation: Tough @#%^!!! :D)

    We love you Andy! :andy
    Canon 5D MkI
    50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
    ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
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    blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited March 11, 2009
    Is there any progress being made with electronic payment?

    How high on the SM priority list is it?

    Surely it will not only be a boon for pros selling through SM but it should also mean less paperwork, easy reporting and less costs for SM.
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    docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 12, 2009
    Its funny how the timing is on this thread. Andy is off somewhere taking photos again...

    Is there any progress being made with electronic payment?

    Yes. thumb.gif

    How high on the SM priority list is it?

    Very high. We want this too. :D

    Surely it will not only be a boon for pros selling through SM but it should also mean less paperwork, easy reporting and less costs for SM.

    Yes it will be.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2009
    Doc's on the money. We're taking steps right now to add this, hopefully pretty soon :D
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    blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited April 2, 2009
    What's the status on electronic payment? How soon is soon?

    Andy can you give us any indication when this is likely to happen - will it be days, weeks, months, years, millennia?
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 2, 2009
    What's the status on electronic payment? How soon is soon?

    Andy can you give us any indication when this is likely to happen - will it be days, weeks, months, years, millennia?
    We don't give dates I'm sorry. It is assigned to a Sorcerer, and it is in a queue of things to do. When we get close, we'll let you know.
    Thanks for your patience!
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    blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited May 13, 2009
    Any news on Electronic Payment? It's two months since doc's post on the subject.
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 13, 2009
    Any news on Electronic Payment? It's two months since doc's post on the subject.
    There are things in the queue ahead of this. We'll get there and when we do, we'll announce it in Release Notes. You'll want to subscribe to our Release Notes blog, so that you don't miss a single update from SmugMug :)http://blogs.smugmug.com/release-notes/ at the bottom, there's a link for Entries (RSS) - put that in your favorite feed reader.

    In the meantime, we'll still pay our pros $millions deal.gif
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    blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited June 28, 2009
    For those of you who would like electronic payment I suggest you add your voice here.

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