Extra Boxes on Home Page
Can someone look at my Home page and help me fix several things with my home page.
1) Need to remove those extra thick bars (above & below my slide show).
2) Center the slide shows (I know, there's a thread for it, but I can't find it).
3) I know I can resize my pictures in the bio, but what's that big black box behind it? Can I remove it?
Here's my link: http://davidphotos.smugmug.com/
1) Need to remove those extra thick bars (above & below my slide show).
2) Center the slide shows (I know, there's a thread for it, but I can't find it).
3) I know I can resize my pictures in the bio, but what's that big black box behind it? Can I remove it?
Here's my link: http://davidphotos.smugmug.com/
Let's start with adding the following to your CSS in your customization:
#userBio {text-align: center !important;}
#bioBox .boxBottom {background: none !important;}
#bioBox {background: none !important;}
#bioBox .boxTop {background: none !important;}
.homepage #breadcrumb,
.homepage .note,
.homepage #breadcrumb {background: none !important;}
See if that gets you where you want. The thick bars and the background are part of the theme you are using. The above should remove them from the homepage.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
That worked
Just one more thing. I would like to move my slide show a bit higher (not too close to my title page). What next?
Add this to your CSS, and adjust as needed:
#userBio {margin-top: -70px;}
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
I added the margin command and played around with different numbers, but what I see is the picture images on my home page getting cut off. Before the new top margin command the images were OK. It appears that my over all settings needs to be adjusted. I like to see my whole page up higher so that when someone goes to my page, they will be able to see the entire page without having to use the scroll bar (I know this will depend on the user individual PC). Would you like to see my entry from my CSS?
In looking at your CSS, why don't you try adding a negative margin-top to your my_header CSS, i.e.:
#my_header {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
margin:0 15px;
margin-top: -100px;
That will remove all the space above your navbar, which is kind of empty space. You will likely need to adjust that.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
wil be visible and clickable.
.loggedIn #userBio {margin-top: 0;}
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I made those changes and it appears to affect the area where my Navbar is. When I changed the margin to -150 the Navbar disappear from the screen. I set it to -75 which I like, but the slide-show images that are below the title "David Photography Studio" is still too low. It must be another area in CSS that I need to change. Please advise.
No too sure where exactly I need to insert this. Did you see my last comment to Barb?
on for it's gallery? It is 750x150 and although not showing, the blank div is
there and messing with all the positioning. Get that fixed then the rest of page can
be positioned.
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Sorry, as far as web design I am totally illiterate. I've been copying things from what I read in other threads (I think I have too much stuff that I don't need and I'm afraid to remove anything that will cause it to mess up). And yes, external link is enabled in my gallery. Would you like to check my CSS entry?
your header is now off the top.
margin: -150px 0 -40px -100px;
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 150px;
margin: -150px 0 -40px -100px;
background: url(/photos/353027399_52P9x-O.png) no-repeat;
_background: none;
Have to get your banner photo to show before can adjust other things.
This link shows nothing. If external links are on is the photo checked hide"?
Is "hide owner" checked?
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When I change the margin from 150 to 0, the Navbar disappears. Also, I checked and unchecked the "hide owner" and it made no difference. Anything else I can do beside starting from scratch?
The link switches to smugmug.com and is a blank page.
Log out and try it.
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OK. I'm back, so I hoping that I can get some help. I still can't get my page to look the way I wanted to look. If someone can tell me what I can do to get rid off the bar that is covering my Navbar it would be great. I must of accidently removed the code for centering my slide-show on my home page. Please advise what I need to do next.
pm sent
Hi Allen,
Hoping that you can help still. I been working on my home page for the last couple of days and I have been unsuccessful. I'm trying to accomplish a few things and after reading so many threads and trying different things, I still can't get my page the way I would like. Here's want I need:
1) Get the box that's is covering my Navbar to disappear.
2) Separate my home page from my gallaries.
3) Get my slide show to be centered and visible enough that no matter who looks at my site the slide show is visible on their PC without using the side scroll bar.
Thanks for your help in advance.