Second Guessing...Please help!

The entries are great in this round! Came up with another idea tonight.
New photo
A Gust of Wind

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Thanks for your thoughts!
New photo
A Gust of Wind

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Thanks for your thoughts!
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What should I do? 26 votes
A Gust of Wind
15 votes
2 votes
Keep Shooting.
9 votes
Great shot, shatch!
but isnt there suppose to be a little bend in the rod? and a tight line?
my only other suggestion would be try a super lomo treatment to it...
though im not sure you even wanted my .02:D
The wind photo, on the other hand has a great deal of potential toward the theme as well as providing many creative opportunities. When I looked at it I immediately thought of the entry several months back of the woman holding the latern at night. Putting this image into that context would be incredibly powerful.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I tried to change the angle of the rain, but I didn't spend enough time in photoshop to get it right. Ran out of time.
Thanks again for the feedback and votes!!!!!
BTW, the pole is actually bending. My son is next to me holding the fishing line pulling it to bend the rod, but the angle of the rod hides it. The sprinkler system came on just as we started shooting so we ended up with three photos and wet gear. You can see the sprinkler splash right next to my brother in the photo. Why would you ever water a pond? I don't think it will grow.
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Your poor daugher....
As far as the pole bending and a tight line, it most likely wouldnt if the fish was jumping.
She did enjoy the shoot...and she does get ice cream. Mom loves ice cream so we break out a half-gallon every Sunday evening.
So how about this one..."Headwind"
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Here is another thought we put together tonight. Too cliche? Kind of like the fish shot?
"So Much for My Homework"
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How easy/difficult is it to put some writing on the papers?
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
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Love the pp on the sign!
Great image shatch!
I don't recall reading anything in the rules about "out of box" photos. I think that as long as what you enter is not longer than 800px on the longest side you should be OK.
"So much of the homework" cool idea and definitely a fun image. However it's such an obvious graphic/composite (light on the girl doesn't match the light of the scene, and the sheets of papers are purely lifelss) that it probably wouldn't be even considered a photogrpah anymore...