slow, no slideshow

My site was loading really slow earlier this morning, no slideshow. It is a little faster now, still slower than normal, no slideshow.
It was fine last night... help please, SMug heros.
This is the slideshow on my main page. The slidshow that runs through bio info.
oops... the site
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
It was fine last night... help please, SMug heros.
This is the slideshow on my main page. The slidshow that runs through bio info.
oops... the site
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
My slideshow broke on 8-22-08. I posted here, and wrote to help. I got this reply, thought it might help others. My slideshow is working, but at times seems a bit sluggish.
btw... I had been using my most popular photos as slideshow, that won't work now, it says I need a password. I haven't heard back from help, to resolve that issue. But at least slideshow works. ;D
copy of SMugHelp email follows...
Thanks for contacting SmugMug. Sorry, it looks like it's something to do with updates last night and the older flash slide show code.
We've sent a message to the slide show developer to take a look to see what he can do.
While he is looking into this issue, you might want to use the newer code:<wbr>display/SmugMug/Flash+<wbr>Slideshow
Just make sure you make a copy of your original code prior to making the change.
Sorry for the troubles....
If you have any questions or need any help, please contact us.
Have a great day,
SmugMug Support Hero