6 Egrets/Herons from the Baylands
You might have already seen these posted in the FM forums. A few shots from a couple of weekends ago when I was fortunate enough to be out in CA near Palo Alto and shoot with Steve C. and Brian Z. (I'm from Chicagoland). I hope this isn't too many to download at once. Cheers - Gene

You might have already seen these posted in the FM forums. A few shots from a couple of weekends ago when I was fortunate enough to be out in CA near Palo Alto and shoot with Steve C. and Brian Z. (I'm from Chicagoland). I hope this isn't too many to download at once. Cheers - Gene

Walk softly and carry a big lens!
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
Welcome to dgrin. I saw the thread where Steve said he met you out shooting at the Baylands. He was correct, your portfolio is excellent, as are these images also. I am looking eagerly forward to more of your images.
Perhaps you might make a few comments about how you captured these images - not fstops, but thinking of light direction and how to get close enough to the birds to capture these images. Again, welcome to dgrin.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
These are really fabulous! I have been following your work on dpreview, and am glad you've chosen to share some here.
Great stuff, please keep sharing!
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Fantastic shots.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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#1 and #3 are my faves and, IMO your most effective shots. That first heron shot is a truly excellent, sharp, well composed image. Great job!! markjay
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
really nice work, and
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what do I say ---WOW 3,5, and 6 are my picks but only cause i like the subject
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"The only photographer we ought compare ourselves to is the one we used to be"
These are all fine shots
As Pathfinder mentioned, it would be nice if you could put together a post outlining what you look for when shooting birds and birds in flight. We've got quite a few aspiring birders here and I'm sure they'd (we'd) appreciate any tips you care to share
Thanks for sharing and nice to see you back here again
Stunning, all of them. Welcome and like others look forward to :jawdrop'ing at more of your work. Thanks for sharing!
I have a quick Chicago question. Are there raptors downtown?
At the baylands rookery you can pretty much walk up to these birds - the fence surrounding it is very close in, and the birds are too occupied with other things, like nest building, to be bothered with you. The difficult part is getting a well exposed photo with a decent background. Several obstacles: a close and unpretty background for stills, some difficult lighting - the morning is best for the egrets, but the afternoon evening presents backligting oppurtunities. A lot of herons were in trees that were best lit towards the evening. So my best herons are evening, best egrets morning.
Shooting towards noon in the morning, exposing for highlights gave me the best background. Because of the strong light and shadows in the trees at that time, the background is dark enough it isn't too distracting. I had to lighten it some in some photos with the shadow/highlight tool in photoshop.
These birds make short, sometimes uneven flights gathering sticks for their nest. I had difficulty locking focus in time with my 10d. 20d appears to fare better.
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
Thanks Ian,
I don't live in the city, but I expect any large city has their share of them.
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
I would guess so too. Lot's of free lunch available