An Official Site for Aqua Tech??

Well my Aqua Tech Sport Shield that I purchased the first week of April is now useless, the plastic they used for a "window" has cracked right down the middle and will no longer protect my camera... I'm going to try to find out if this is a common occurrence and what I can do in hopes of some sort of replacement... I'm grasping at straws, I know, but you never know what you may get until you try. Anyways, when I google all I can find is retailer websites - nothing from the official maker... Anyone know of one or an email for someone within the company?
Did it happen while stored.. like possibly wadded up or kept near harder less forgiving metal type stuff?
Wow... sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will make it right for you. In the meantime a bit of duct tape might help.. or maybe there is something that would work as well that is also clear?
Yup.. I am in Carmel. Nice city/town with an over-fascination with building roundabouts, but they are quite fun once the traffic goes away.
Those are nice apts.. I live in what used to be Amli on Spring Mill which are also pretty nice apts with attached garages up on 146th and Spring Mill.
Good luck!
AWESOME! I had a feeling they would replace it for you! Congrats and thanks for sharing the news.
- and hey, I am on my way back to Indiana... I'll be living in Carmel again.