How do I move multiple galleries to a new Category?
I searched before I posted this and did not find any info.
I would like to move over 100 galleries to an archive folder under smugmug.
Each of the gallery are under one folder. I tried smugbrowser but it only lets me change the Category Wood Park Primary to the Category I called Wood Park Archives 2007-2008. I have lots of folders to move. Is there any drop and drag software or any way of move lots on photos at once?:dunno
I unlisted these folders but People ar still getting to them:ivar
Thanks John
I would like to move over 100 galleries to an archive folder under smugmug.
Each of the gallery are under one folder. I tried smugbrowser but it only lets me change the Category Wood Park Primary to the Category I called Wood Park Archives 2007-2008. I have lots of folders to move. Is there any drop and drag software or any way of move lots on photos at once?:dunno
I unlisted these folders but People ar still getting to them:ivar
Thanks John
You should check out NitroDesk. It's a new program, that allows you to do just this, drag and drop galleries from one category to another.
(I don't work for them -- just got in on some early beta tests. They've been incredibly responsive to my feedback and bug reports and the product is very stable.)
Thanks I will try it