Digital Delay
I just opened up a new account for the media group I work for, Transcontinental Media - Ottawa. We are already enjoying the benefits of our pro account.
Many of the places I go to for assignments always want to purchase a digital copy of the picture that appears in any one of the papers I shoot for. However, sometime, on a larger projects where I'm uploaded entire proof sheets, I can't be bothered to edit each one. As a result, if a subject wants to purchase a digital copy of their picture, they have to do a round about way of emailing me and then I upload a finished version of their selected picture to the site.
If a delay could be put on digital downloads, they could initiate the purchase and I could finish it by uploaded an improved version of the picture. Hopefully this will encourage people to complete the transaction before second guessing due to the inconvenience of have to make additional emails and correspondence - busy wall street types you now :-).
Many of the places I go to for assignments always want to purchase a digital copy of the picture that appears in any one of the papers I shoot for. However, sometime, on a larger projects where I'm uploaded entire proof sheets, I can't be bothered to edit each one. As a result, if a subject wants to purchase a digital copy of their picture, they have to do a round about way of emailing me and then I upload a finished version of their selected picture to the site.
If a delay could be put on digital downloads, they could initiate the purchase and I could finish it by uploaded an improved version of the picture. Hopefully this will encourage people to complete the transaction before second guessing due to the inconvenience of have to make additional emails and correspondence - busy wall street types you now :-).
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I am primarily a sports and event shooter. Please count my vote to have an option for a "digital proof" period available for Pro and Power users.
Here's my wish for Pros:
I would like to see an option in the cart for customers to be able to choose a file sized for web pages like My Space or Facebook. Maybe call it "small" or "web res". The description in the cart would convey that would look great for an avatar/profile picture or in a small digital picture frame but wouldn't make a quality 4 x 6 print. My thought is that an automatic digital proof for these would be the easiest way for this to work. There are just too many variables involved for SmugMug to deal with. Just working out a compromise to address different aspect ratios would be a nightmare! Translation::bash For example, my preferences would be to apply a small discrete watermark and size them with a maximum pixel length of 500. The customer places the order, I get the order notification and replace the image to my specifications.
In order to advertise and sell digital downloads in a way that fits my business model I need three pricing schemes: Inexpensive, moderately priced, and expensive. These would be priced based on their potential impact on my print sales. Many shooters sell high resolution digital files at a minimum of 4x the 8 x 10 price. The reason being once an event shooter sells a digital file the odds of making any more sales of that image are pretty slim. Why sell digital downloads at an inexpensive price at resolutions good enough to print an infinite number of 8 x 10's (low res)? For me it is giving away the store. If a customer wants to have a download that they can print from they still have the low and high res options. Not having a "web res" option with SmugMug is the main reason that I don't have downloads active in my cart. If a customer wants a digital download from me now they send an email, I adjust/resize the image, create a copy of the image in a password protected gallery, and finally send the customer an email with the link and password so they can order. With a digital delay the customer could order prints, merchandise, and get their downloads all in one step.