> VOTE for the DSS #6 (Splendor or Squalor) winning photo!

What a fantastic round, and I know it was a tough one! richtersl and myself have chosen the following finalists from which your votes will select the winner. In our independent selections for ten best photos, we agreed on 6 this time, giving us 14 finalists.
The top 5 from this round will be qualified to play in the DSS Mega-Challenge #2.
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Splendor or Squalor photos:
#2 - crayzphotography - Favorite Filthy Habit

#4 - Pilznr - Opulent Squalor

#6 - cbsnet - Glencoe, Scotland

#8 - Karrie McD - Slim Pickn's

#12 - Travis - Gearhead Dreams

#13 - cmorganphotography - Muddy Misdemeanor

#14 - Glory2JesusPhotography - Night Bloom under a Red Moon

#20 - Michael Atkins - Candlelight

#22 - HumpreyCogay - After The Demolition

#32 - vandana - Morning Glow

#33 - VisualXpressions - Trump Tower

#40 - Roaddog 52 - Glorious Morning

#44 - swintonphoto - Decaying Organ Steps Silences Sacred Harmonies

#48 - CSwinton - Faith Abandoned
The top 5 from this round will be qualified to play in the DSS Mega-Challenge #2.
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Splendor or Squalor photos:
#2 - crayzphotography - Favorite Filthy Habit

#4 - Pilznr - Opulent Squalor

#6 - cbsnet - Glencoe, Scotland
#8 - Karrie McD - Slim Pickn's

#12 - Travis - Gearhead Dreams

#13 - cmorganphotography - Muddy Misdemeanor

#14 - Glory2JesusPhotography - Night Bloom under a Red Moon

#20 - Michael Atkins - Candlelight

#22 - HumpreyCogay - After The Demolition

#32 - vandana - Morning Glow

#33 - VisualXpressions - Trump Tower

#40 - Roaddog 52 - Glorious Morning

#44 - swintonphoto - Decaying Organ Steps Silences Sacred Harmonies

#48 - CSwinton - Faith Abandoned

Psalm 62:5-6
Vote for the best Splendor or Squalor Photo! 130 votes
#2 - crayzphotography - Favorite Filthy Habit
7 votes
#4 - Pilznr - Opulent Squalor
10 votes
#6 - cbsnet - Glencoe, Scotland
2 votes
#8 - Karrie McD - Slim Pickn's
54 votes
#12 - Travis - Gearhead Dreams
2 votes
#13 - cmorganphotography - Muddy Misdemeanor
9 votes
#14 - Glory2JesusPhotography - Night Bloom under a Red Moon
1 vote
#20 - Michael Atkins - Candlelight
2 votes
#22 - HumpreyCogay - After The Demolition
12 votes
#32 - vandana - Morning Glow
2 votes
#33 - VisualXpressions - Trump Tower
4 votes
#40 - Roaddog52 - Glorious Morning
12 votes
#44 - swintonphoto - Decaying Organ Steps Silences Sacred Harmonies
7 votes
#48 - CSwinton - Faith Abandoned
6 votes
In full agreement here! Great Job people!
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Love your framing capture, the lighting, the color tones are gorgeous, and your capture of the snow mists are great.
Kudos and Best of Luck to Everyone.
I just deleted 4 posts from this thread. I'm not making another "rule", this is just my own policy (and has always been): there will be no prognosticating and premature congratulations in the voting thread.
Vote here. Speculate in the feedback thread.
Mostly harmless, I know, but there are still many non-DSS'ers that come in here and make a vote. They don't need chattering distractions from the "in" crowd.
Carry on. thanks,
My apologies if I offended anyone. :cry
Karrie receives a $100 B&H Photo Gift Certificate and a one-year Smugmug Pro Account!
The following Shooters are now eligible for the next Mega-Challenge:
Karrie McD
Roaddog 52
Sorted results to come.
[place - post# - dgrinner - title - votes - %tage]
1 - #8 - Karrie McD - Slim Pickn's - 54 - 41.54%
2 - #22 - HumpreyCogay - After The Demolition - 12 - 9.23%
2 - #40 - Roaddog 52 - Glorious Morning - 12 - 9.23%
3 -#4 - Pilznr - Opulent Squalor - 10 - 7.69%
4 - #13 - cmorganphotography - Muddy Misdemeanor - 9 - 6.92%
5 - #2 - crayzphotography - Favorite Filthy Habit - 7 - 5.38%
5 - #44 - swintonphoto - Decaying Organ Steps Silences Sacred Harmonies - 7 - 5.38%
6 - #48 - CSwinton - Faith Abandoned - 6 - 4.62%
7 - #33 - VisualXpressions - Trump Tower - 4 - 3.08%
8 - #6 - cbsnet - Glencoe, Scotland - 2 - 1.54%
8 - #12 - Travis - Gearhead Dreams - 2 - 1.54%
8 - #20 - Michael Atkins - Candlelight - 2 - 1.54%
8 - #32 - vandana - Morning Glow - 2 - 1.54%
9 - #14 - Glory2JesusPhotography - Night Bloom under a Red Moon - 1 - 0.77%
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Great entries by all!
I think this was a great round.
I'm super thrilled
Thank you all for the congrats and kind words
Now the pressure is on for me to be more than just a one hit wonder :uhoh