Question about moving photos
I plan on rearranging my galleries, but I have a few questions first:
1) If I move a photo from one gallery to another, will the comments (if any) stay attached to that photo?
2) If someone were to comment on an entire gallery, and then all the photos in that gallery were moved to another gallery, and the first gallery was then deleted, I assume the comment is also deleted. But I just want confirmation on this.
3) If I make a 2nd copy of a photo, then go to the Move Photo (Expert) screen to move all those second photos, how do I know which is the original and which is the copy? The original may have comments, whereas the copy doesn't. And that may be a factor in which photo I move.
4) If I send an image URL to someone, then later move that photo to another gallery, does that same image URL follow that photo?
5) I usually send a gallery URL by opening a gallery, then copying the URL. I noticed the URL actually includes an image number. But if the first image were moved (or deleted), what becomes of the gallery URL? Is it no longer valid? Is there a better way to capture a gallery URL to share with friends.
Thanks for your help with my questions.
1) If I move a photo from one gallery to another, will the comments (if any) stay attached to that photo?
2) If someone were to comment on an entire gallery, and then all the photos in that gallery were moved to another gallery, and the first gallery was then deleted, I assume the comment is also deleted. But I just want confirmation on this.
3) If I make a 2nd copy of a photo, then go to the Move Photo (Expert) screen to move all those second photos, how do I know which is the original and which is the copy? The original may have comments, whereas the copy doesn't. And that may be a factor in which photo I move.
4) If I send an image URL to someone, then later move that photo to another gallery, does that same image URL follow that photo?
5) I usually send a gallery URL by opening a gallery, then copying the URL. I noticed the URL actually includes an image number. But if the first image were moved (or deleted), what becomes of the gallery URL? Is it no longer valid? Is there a better way to capture a gallery URL to share with friends.
Thanks for your help with my questions.
Yes, comments associated with that one image will stay attached.
Yes, comments stay tied to the gallery and will not move - they will be deleted along with the gallery. Easiest is probably to rename the gallery instead of moving the photos somewhere else, and removing only the photos that need to be.
Take a look at the order in the gallery (where you can see comments) - they should stay in that order in the bulk move tool. If they don't let me know since that would be a bug.
Depends on what you mean by image URL, if you are talking about the direct link to that image, one that ends with a .jpg, then yes that link does not change. If you are talking about a link that has /gallery/ in it, then that link will no longer work since it references the previous gallery.
If you provided a full link to the image then that link will no longer work. Instead you should send out the link with only the first set of numbers after the /gallery/ like
Not sure if we should make it so that if the image is not present it takes you to the root of the gallery - since it may lead to confusion like "I followed your link to the car, but I saw a boat" type situations.
Hope that answers them, I am sure Don will chime in if I am wrong
Regarding my Move Photo (Expert) question about copies of photos - I guess it's safe to assume that when a new photo is added, it will always be added AFTER the first photo, which is what it seems to be doing. So when I'm looking at the Move Photo screen, the second duplicate photo on the list will be the "copy".
I just thought of would be nice if a photo could be "assigned" to two different galleries, but still be the same photo (not a copy). That's probably "pie in the sky" and totally impractical. But I could see benefits to this. For example, if I have a photo of Aunt Jane in a gallery called "Sue's Birthday Party", but I also have a gallery called "Aunts and Uncles". I would want the same picture to be in both galleries. Yes, I could make a copy. But if someone were to go to "Sue's Birthday Party" and make a comment about Aunt Jane, I would want that comment visible to anyone looking at that same pictures if they view it in "Aunts and Uncles".
And while I'm brainstorming impossible ideas - here's one more that may not be so impossible. What about a "Copy & Move" feature? This would allow a copy of a photo to be made (just like the 2nd copy feature), but at the same time you would be prompted with a choice of where you want that 2nd copy to be moved to (which gallery). I'm sure this has been suggested before, but I like the idea and it's one I would definitely use!
Thanks for listening to me ramble on and on. I'll shut up now.
It's been about 1 1/2 years since these posts. I'm curious whether there is a managable way to copy selceted images from various galleries to a new gallery where you want them featured? I've not spent about 90 minutes searching this forum and haven't gotten a decent clue unless it means copying one by one and then moving the copy.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated. thanks much.
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