PicLens / CoolIris
Over the past months I recall PicLens working fine on all my galleries, or so I thought. Now that PicLens has morphed into CoolIris it was pointed out to me that not all of my galleries seem to be enabled. I know that one that I just finished uploading is not working yet (set to Private if that makes a difference) but there are others too. I checked a sampling of some others and some seem to be fine but others are not enabled. What would cause the difference? Public and Private don't seem to be the trigger from what I can see.
"The current browser page is not yet CoolIris enabled" is the message displayed when attempting to trigger it on non-enabled pages. I also see that the little PicLens arrow icons seem to have been removed from the thumbnails and I only see a CoolIris double frame icon on the toolbar to trigger it.
"The current browser page is not yet CoolIris enabled" is the message displayed when attempting to trigger it on non-enabled pages. I also see that the little PicLens arrow icons seem to have been removed from the thumbnails and I only see a CoolIris double frame icon on the toolbar to trigger it.
Could it be that you need external linking enabled for the gallery?
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I have no idea how cooliris works so I don't know what setting it would need in order to do it's thing. Sorry I can't help further.
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Good thought, but that is not something that I would toggle differently between my galleries. It must have some other dependency of some type. Interesting to see that others notice the same variance.
PicLens worked well when I first found it months ago, went into a time that there were problems off and on. But recently, no problems. Till I did the update to cooliris... now no buttons... unless I open the wall, view a pic, go back to SMug gallery.. then the buttons are there and work. Until I close the gallery, open another... again, no buttons.
I have noticed very few galleries, photos of any member working. When I view most popular photos on SMug... few have buttons. But, when I view pics on other sites, ie flickr... absolutely no problems.. all pics have buttons.
I wrote to PicLens/cooliris this past Friday, the 22nd, no response.
BTW... the 22nd is the same time that many of the slideshows broke, after smugmug updates.
I tried to "enable" my site on the cooliris site... very interesting. The only images that it picks up on my page, or in my galleries... my header and the napp footer... not one single pic/phoot shows up.
When I clicked on the header "pic" as they instruct, then tested... it didn't enable the gallery photos, just the header/banner... so still no cooliris.
This it their enable site, if anyone else wants to check to see what you get.
btw... I just tried again, this time got an error message "no thumbs on your page/site" .. so it is not picking up images, just header and footer images at times.
I see an icon on my images when I hover my mouse over the image, but you're right ShebaJo, I don't get the icon on your images. But PicLens is working fine for me on your site - I check a few galleries and didn't have a problem. Gary I don't see your site listed in your sig or profile so I couldn't look at yours.
The only difference I can think of is that I never "enabled" my galleries. I have the FF addon for my browser. If you don't have the add-on you can't view my galleries with PicLens/Cool Iris. If you do have the addon, the gallery doesn't need to be "enabled", that is just to allow people to use the PicLens interface if they don't have it installed in their browser.
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I have tried everything short of standing on my head to get this to run! I had it working on my site when it was piclens. Loved it. Had the RSS feeds updating and a copy sent to my email. Now since SM updated I no longer get that either. Cooliris would be a "cool" tool for showing off galleries but apparently the way SM is now set up and the way Cooliris pull pics do not sync.
Anyone know how to enable it account-wide?
Please give a link to one each of a gallery that works with it and one that doesn't. In theory all you need to do is install the cooliris plugin in your browser and it should work for all galleries.
le pere de www.nikiwalkerphotography.com
Yep, I agree and remain stumped.. For testing, I just threw together a few galleries to try to learn if password protection, listed or unlisted, private or hello world makes any difference. (I'm travelling again 10-15 ~ 10-19 so I may be absent for a few days.)
This one works:
This one doesn't:
Thanks for the effort,
Following the breadcrumbs to "David Norris > Test > COA Ultimate Nationals 2008", I don't see the "Minis" gallery, so I assume you have it set to Unlisted.
"Feeds are only available for public, non-passworded galleries."
Now you could manually add a feed to your page by adding this to the album description:
But that's kind of a pain to do manually for every unlisted album.
Awesome information & very succinct.
Thank you very much and I appreciate the code too!