I'm late to the party but congrats to all of you! And Aaron, WTG!!
As a judge I have to say that I was surprised that there were as few entries as there were. Ah well, I'm proud to have been included in this milestone and everyone please keep those creative juices flowing for the next round. :smo
Impressive shot, Aaron, loved it the moment I saw it! clap
Thanks to all the entrants for great viewing pleasure, and especially shatch for a knock-your-socks-off creation! I also liked puzzledpaul's Memory loss... and SciurusNiger's Primordial.
Aaron!! WOW, well deserved.
To all of you. Congrats.
Jeff Meyers
As a judge I have to say that I was surprised that there were as few entries as there were. Ah well, I'm proud to have been included in this milestone and everyone please keep those creative juices flowing for the next round. :smo
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
...also well done to all entrants for getting their ideas onto single frames - evidence of much creativity / pondering / work / resourcefulness ...
Thanks to all the entrants for great viewing pleasure, and especially shatch for a knock-your-socks-off creation! I also liked puzzledpaul's Memory loss... and SciurusNiger's Primordial.
Thanks to the Dgrin DSS crew!